Chapter 8: A New Nopon Friend

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"Sure, we still have time before we have to meet up with Raye and the others. You wanna go T-elos?" I ask her as we're walking outside the palace.

"We have nothing better to do right now, besides we might see KOS-MOS. I have a bone to pick with her."

"But she hasn't done anything to you though," I said with a chuckle.

"I don't know but I just don't like her for some reason," With a sigh, we decided to go to Tora Industries. We had to ask for directions since I forgot to ask Amara. It seems getting lost is my specialty. When we finally get there, I look up and notice that this building is huge! It had to have taken up the space of four of the surrounding buildings. The doors slide open and a person wearing a lab coat and a notepad walked up to us.

"Hello, we've been expecting you."

"Uh, you knew that we were coming?" I asked the lady slightly concerned.

"Yes, we have we were going to request the royal guard to borrow you anyway. T-elos controls the dark element unlike almost any other dark blade in existence. We'd like to ask you if you would allow us to borrow her to help us test the integrity of our artificial blades"

"Uh we don't have much time here in Tantal but we'll do our best," I replied as the lady smiled and motioned us to follow her inside. We follow as the doors slide close behind us.

"You're too nice Nick," T-elos said to me. It wasn't loud enough for the lady in front of us to hear but I still heard it nonetheless.

"I know, it's just who I am I guess. Besides, we also came here for more than just sightseeing. We also came here to check up on KOS-MOS and to see if there's anything suspicious." I reply. We kept walking throughout the facility seeing many cool things and technologies.

"And this is where we create artificial blades." The lady told us as we walk past a large window on the wall. On the other side was a room of engineers building what seems to be an artificial blade.

"Woah I would've thought these would be mass-produced," I said out loud.

"Well of course artificial blades can't be mass-produced. The making of them takes time and dedication, which is why our most experienced engineers are allowed to create them." I continued to look out the window to see if anything was happening, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. We decided to keep walking when we heard a loud commotion in front of us. We decided to run towards it when all of a sudden a door flew off and hit the wall across from its original position.

"Another fail Riku?" The lady said as if it has happened. I was still stunned that a sliding door was able to fly that far.

"No not a fail, just a lesson!" A nopon covered in oil marks walked out the doorway to greet us. "Oh, who are new friends?" The lady then said that we are just guests.

"Hello I'm Nick and this is T-elos Nice to meet you Riku, what were you working on?"

"Riku working on a project to help boss! However, the machine just blows up in Riku's face." The lady then seems like was surprised.

"Oh dear me, I'm running late for my next meeting. Riku could you take our friends to where KOS-MOS is. That would be a great help." Riku then agreed as the lady walked off.

"Riku will take to boss's lab. He is the head of light element research. Riku is just an apprentice so not allowed to take part in the research."

"Don't worry Riku, you'll become a great inventor in no time," I tell Riku to motivate him. Riku thanked me for my enthusiasm and he would show his inventions if he had a chance. After about a few minutes of walking, we finally made it to the supposed research lab. Riku took a key card from his pocket and slid it into a card reader. The door then slid open to reveal a large room that had a lot of contraptions that I was not familiar with at all. I turned to see T-elos scanning the room as well until her eyes locked on to something... or rather someone. "Uh, T-elos we're not here to fight remember?"

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Return of the AegisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora