"Backstabber" (25)

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3rd person pov:

Wanda and Natasha make their way to the kitchen to get some food.

"Hey guys." 242 says, Wanda and Natasha says hi back, not looking at her.

They hear 242 enter the kitchen, opening cabinets and getting the milk from the fridge and presumably making herself some cereal.

Natasha then heard a wolf whistle. She looked up to see Wanda looking in the direction of the kitchen.

She follows Wanda's gaze and sees 242 with just a sports bra, joggers and white trainer socks on.

242 looks at Wanda and shakes her head, "Absolutely uninnocent of you Wanda." Wanda laughs at her comment as 242 sits down at the table next to Wanda.

"So how did you guys sleep last night?" Wanda and Natasha looked at 242 and replied with a "Good."

The three of them were just chatting until they heard little footsteps coming into the table area.

Amelia appeared and walked to 242. She lifted her arms up to 242 and she picked Amelia up.

She placed Amelia on her knee as she stopped eating her food, just for Amelia to pick the spoon up and starting eating 242's breakfast.

"Amelia! That's my breakfast." 242 complained. Amelia just placed the cereal in her mouth while staring at 242 with a "And what?" face.

242 looked flabbergasted. She looked at Wanda and Natasha to see the two of them snickering.

"Oh my days. Just gonna sit there and do nothing." She said to the 2 woman as she crossed her arms.

"242!" Tony called. 242 replied with "At the table Tony!"

Tony walked to the table and sat down. "I found the school Amelia goes to. If you hurry, you can drop her off today," Tony said "I messaged the school and explained, they said you can take her in."

Amelia's eyes widened as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes "I don't wanna go."

"That's what you get for stealing my breakfast." She laughed at Amelia.

Amelia gets off 242's knee and clings to Wanda. "Wanda, don't let her take me." Wanda just laughed at her and picked her up.

"Right, let's get you ready for school." Wanda teased and Amelia whined.

"School Time!" 242 yelled to annoy Amelia more. The little girl glared at 242 and stuck her tongue out at her. The assassin put her hand on her chest and acted offended.


Agent 242 pov

My car was parked on the side of the road, across from the school.

It was a relatively small school but a big place wasn't really needed for little kids. A tall green gate was around the school and front playground. However, it wasn't good protection for the kids, to be honest.

Amelia looked at me with a visable pout on her face. A non-verbal beg to not make her go. And you know what, I was this close in not making her go. I would miss Amelia for the 6 hours she would be gone for but quickly realised Amelia needed education.

"You have to go Amelia." I voiced out and she looked down.

"Hey, look at me." Amelia looked up at me, "It won't be that bad. You'll have friends to play with and learn with people your age. I'll come pick you up and we can go get ice cream or something." I bribed her.

Her face instantly lightened up until she remembered she had to be sad and put a pout back on her face. I chuckled at her behaviour.

"Oh I have something for you!" I almost forgot. I opened the Glove department and got out a little wristband.

Amelia gasped at the butterfly design. It had 2 butterflies with its wings spread. There was a dot on either wing. "Wow I love it." She said as I placed it around her wrist.

"I would rather it say "try anything with me and 242 will beat your ass" but Wanda said it was not age appropriate." I shrugged and Amelia rolled her eyes at me.

"What? Was it really that bad?" I asked. She shook her head at me. "Its funny."

"Oh and also, if you click the dot on the this butterflies to wing, it will send a signal to my watch." I clicked the button and it sent a vibration to my watch to show her.

"Woah, that's so cool!" She exclaimed while she gasped. I grabbed her hand to get her attention and she looked up at me.

"But melia, it's only for emergencies okay? You can't mess around with it." I told her seriously.

She nodded at me and hummed. "Ok good. Now! It's time for school. Woooooo!" I exclaimed while getting out the car. I could hear her groan in annoyance and chuckled.

"Noooooo! I don't wanna go!" She exclaimed while kicking her legs.

I walked around the car and opened the passenger door. "Come on you." I voice.

She glared at me and jumped out the car, I put my hands up to defuse any tension. She buffs and crosses the road.

"Hey Melia, look both ways while crossing the road." I vocalised. She stamped her foot on the floor.

"Alright calm down." I uttered while crossing the road. Amelia raised her eyebrows while looking at me. "What?"

"You didn't look both ways, you doofus." She insulted. "Woah you, that hurt." I gasped as I put my hand on my heart in mock hurt.

She walked off and I sped up to catch up to her.

A teacher was waiting outside to greet all the kids in. She looked at Amelia and waved.

"Hello Amelia!" She greeted and smiled widely. She looked like a lovely woman but her smile actually scares me.

"Hi Miss brown." Amelia greeted back and the teacher looked up at me. "Hello, who might you be?" She asks as she holds our her hand.

"Oh I'm hailey. (😉) Amelia's Auntie." I introduced myself as I took her hand and shook it.

"Oh lovely! It's nice to meet you." She said still shaking my hand.

I had to basically force my hand out of hers and she noticed. She muttered a quick "sorry" and I just smiled.

There was an awkward silence until the teacher said she was going to greet the other kids on the playground. I nodded my head and felt a tug at my trousers.

I looked down to see Amelia hugging my leg like a koala. I pried her off and kneeled down.

"Well this is it kid. You're first day back since...." she nodded and grabbed her bag from me.

"There's a pencil case with pens and pencils in there... oh! Also glue." I informed. "Also a packed lunch. It's a cool lunch by the way. Natasha wanted to put health things in there. What a boomer." Amelia laughed and we highfived.

"Ok well I've got to go now. I'll miss you." She said while hugging me.

"I'll miss you too, little one." I declared as I hugged her back. She let go and was walking towards the school until the turned around with a mischievous smirk on her face.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "oh also, I'm telling natasha you called her that."

I gasped " no please do-" I didn't get to finished my plea for mercy. "Bye!"

I was on my knees dumbfounded by her betrayal.

'Wow that backstabber' I thought as I stood up and exited the school.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat