Avengers can sort this (C2)

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3rd person pov:

The Next day:

There was a knock at Director Fury's door.

"Come in." Fury instructed.

The agent walked in with a file in their hand.
They walked over to his desk and handed him said file.

"Sir, there was a report from a police station yesterday. An unknown woman killed multiple people and walked out." They explained telling him the case story.

Fury furrowed his eyebrows when he saw no picture or name of the individual.
"'There is no picture or name on this file." Fury stated as he looked at the agent.

"The police ran it through every database and found nothing." The agent told Fury.

"Run it through out databases, see if you can find anything." Fury ordered the agent.

The agent nodded their head "There was a recording from a camera of this individual." The agent informed Fury.

Fury sighed and stood up.
"The avengers can sort this. I need to go and explain this situation."
He explained.
"Tell Agent Hill to come to my office."

The agent nodded their head and exited his office to get Agent Hill.

"If this is another serial killer, i will actually quit my job." Fury thought as he rolled his eyes.

Agent Hill knocked and walked into Nick Fury's office.

"I will explain everything in the car. Let's go Agent Hill."
He said as he walked out of his office.

At the Compound:

The avengers insisting of the original 6, wanda, Bucky, sam, vision and Rhody were sitting down in the conference room.

Fury is at the front of the room with Maria beside him.

"A report from a police station yesterday. No picture, name or information, Nothing about this woman." Nick said annoyed.

How come they can't find anything about this woman?

"There was a video from the room that her Interrogation took place." Maria said to the team.

The video started and the team watch as this woman manipulated this man into getting angry.

When she killed 2 men with ease.
How she strangled this woman with no remorse.

How she skillfully shot this woman in the head as she sprinted away.

How this woman killed again and left a man to bleed out.

When she broke a man's knee just by kicking it without difficulty.

How she just walked out of this station like nothing happened.

And how no one could find her.

The video ended.

"What do you want us to do?" Bruce asked.

"I want you to find her." Fury stated "Find out who she is and what damage she can do."

"She can clearly do some damage."
Steve said.

"Oh come on, shes probably just killing people to get attention." Tony explained.

"She was a skillful fighter Tony." Thor said to him.

"No one noticed how she had no emotion on her face. No reaction." Vision stated to the team.

Everyone stopped for a moment and thought about it.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now