You never showed your tears in front of me

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But I saw you cry at the movies and into the popcorn so that no one could see
You may have thought I needed company but I was never willing to fall for the frenemy
I remember watching the Avengers in theaters because I remember how much you said you liked action and adventure movies
So I went back to my 4th grade memory of my field trip
Taken to the movies
And I remember wanting this guy from my class I had a crush on
But the only flaw was I couldn't stand him
And you might be thinking how can you fall for someone you cannot stand well to my surprise that wasn't the only time that ever happened
Meet me again in 8th grade and I fell for someone who annoyed me again
And this time he was taken
But everyone caught on to the crush and make the talk of the gossip
And then I finally left and now highschool began
And I got to see some familiar faces again
And then something or someone caught my attention
And that all started in gym
An we got to talking
And even though we never ever dated in highschool
I always still kept the same nickname everyone else gave him
And that was spiderman
But if I had to come up with a nickname for him now
I would still call him BlueMoon.

I dreamt it and I woke UpWhere stories live. Discover now