Chapter 17: Missing Teammates

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A couple of hours later... 

Oliver and John burst into the ransacked remains of what was Dinah Drake's home, holding guns. John went around a corner and called out a second later, 

'Clear!' He walked into the living room to see Oliver kneeling by a small collar and a phone. He picked it up. 

'I got Curtis' phone but no Dinah and Curtis,' Oliver said, standing up. 

'Okay, well, if Curtis and Dinah are missing,' Felicity said over the comms, back at the hideout, 'I guess we can presume that Rene didn't skip out on his daughter.' 

'Whoever did this is good,' Diggle said. 

'We know who's doing this,' Oliver said. 'It's Chase. He's picking us off one by one.' 

'Not to state the obvious,' Felicity said over the comms again, 'but Chase is currently under surveillance 24/7 in an impenetrable glass box. There's no way he got out to do this.' 

'Oh, he had to have help.' 

'I hate to say this, but what if this was Chase's plan all along?' Diggle asked. 'Get himself caught, lull us to sleep.' 

'Well, consider me officially woke,' Felicity replied over the comms. 'Okay, Chase has worked with evil Laurel before, but she's currently locked up at ARGUS, and there's no way that Evelyn is doing this by herself.' 

'Any chance that our Evelyn could have done it?' John asked. 

'No,' Felicity said. 'She was at the party. Airtight alibi. She loves Chase, but she would never do anything like this.' 

'John?' Oliver asked, pulling a small dart with black and grey fletching off of a book. 

'Isn't that League?' John asked. 

'It's Talia al Ghul. Contact Thea and Lance. We need to get them someplace secure.' 

'There's an ARGUS safe house across town we can use.' 

'Okay, you get them there, then meet me at the bunker.' He turned and began to leave. 

'Where you going?' John asked. 

'It's time to talk to Chase,' Oliver replied, then left. 

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