Chapter 5

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Peeta's Pov.

I wake up in bed next to Katniss. She hasn't moved since I left her last night. I start to twirl her hair and see some dry blood that was left in her hair. I get a wash cloth and carefully get it out.

The doctor comes in with a sad expression.

"Mr. Mellark?" I nod. "Unfortunately I have some bad news. Katniss will wake up...." Thank gosh, "but she might not remember anything." What's so bad about that? "Which means she'll forget you and basically her entire life until she was around 5-6." I nod and hold back the tears.

He walks out of the room and I fall asleep next to Katniss telling her of all the good and bad times we had together. I held her hand firmly while I slept.

6 hours later

Katniss's Pov.

I wake up and I am sitting next to Peeta. I feel my head and it hurts every time I touch it. I shake Peeta but he won't wake up. I shake him harder but he still won't. "Heavy sleeper much." I murmur.

I go next to his ear and give him a wet willy. He immediately wakes up and now I realize he has a blotchy red face and blood shot eyes.

Peeta looks at me and he looks confused.

"Katniss..." He whispers and puts his lips to mine.

It feels like the first kiss we ever had and it makes my stomach spark.

We pull apart and Peeta has tears going down his cheek and I do too.

"I-I heard everything the doctor said." I say and wipe away his tears with my thumb.

He hugs me, "I would kill myself if you didn't wake up."

"I'm not special." I answer madly that he would kill himself over me.

"Maybe you don't think you are, but to me your my world."

"Stay with me?" I whisper like a little girl again.


I slowly start to drift off until I hear a loud groan and realize it came from my mouth.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and see the scar just above my eye. I carefully touch it and winch at the pain.

I flush the toilet and wash my hands to make it seem as if I went.

I walk out and Peeta is talking to one of the nurses. I walk over to him and sit on the bed.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in a raspy voice.

"Ahh, Katniss. We were talking about how you are going to get to leave earlier than we thought because you recovered so quickly." The nurse says and smiles.

"Okay thank you!" I say cheerfully.

The nurse nods and walks out of the room.

"You feeling okay?" Peeta asks suspiciously.

I sigh, "yeah, I'm okay." I lean into his arms and his drapes his around my body. He kisses my head and we slowly fall asleep.
Thank you all for the nice comments! I really appreciate it. I just threw this together so I will try and update soon. What do you want me to do for the next couple chapters? I could use some I ideas. Thanks!

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