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       The sun had risen just enough to send beams of golden light through the dusty blinds that morning. It rested on the floor by the bed, guaranteeing a warm spot to be left behind. A soft glow illuminated the room, and the birds shared their songs. A light breeze was present, and the air smelled of rain to come; looking back on it now, that rain may have been a sign of what was to come that day. Mornings often made art and hummed music, creating a comfortable ambience. That would cease almost immediately, however.

Someone had thrown the door open and made their way inside my room. They threw the blinds open, allowing the sun to barge into the room with an aggressive brightness. The suspect, seemingly satisfied with their work of disturbance, stomped out of the room. I suppose that's one way to wake someone up.

That was a typical start to the school day for me; wake up, stay in bed until your father rips open your blinds, and get ready for school. A habit formed from the draining repetition of it all. To mindlessly do morning chores and get ready for a tortuous day at school was something that I was bound to be efficient in. Those mornings continued on endlessly, as my enthusiasm for going to school was close to none. I mean, why would I be excited to go to that place only to be bullied and beaten? I used to wish for mornings to last forever.

After brushing my teeth and attempting to tame my unruly hair, I sluggishly made my way downstairs. I did everything within my power to not bother my father. Lord knows he had loathed me plenty already. The disgust was ever so clear in his eyes when he looked at me (on the rare occasion he actually pays me some attention). That particular morning was different, though; something was off and it made me uneasy. Not wanting to find out the cause, I grabbed a piece of toast and quickly made my way out the front door.

The walk to Aldera wasn't far at all from my childhood home. If it were a lucky morning, I would get to walk alone without the constant harassment of bullies and would stop by the park that was on route to school. That morning, as I passed the park, I couldn't help but notice a little girl being pushed on the swing. Her laughs sounded joyous and genuine. Her mother, the one pushing her, held a look of happiness and pure love. My chest tightened the more I stared. When the mother threw me a glance, I hurriedly walked away, head down and hands grasping the straps of my backpack.

I attempted to ignore what had happened and how that scene made me feel. My pace quickened and my thoughts wandered until I approached my classroom. There wasn't even time to think before they immediately bombarded me with attacks. Kacchan and his gang had been waiting, just as they did every day. Kacchan, my once best friend, was my tormentor. My father would catch glimpses of the burns and bruises left by Kacchan, though he confronted me about it. This was the day that Kacchan took things too far. A warning, a threat, and then a suggestion. An especially cruel suggestion. His proposition: I should kill myself. I wonder just how different things would've been had I taken his suggestion seriously..

That school day seemed to have been the longest yet. The uneasy feeling stayed with me all day. I probably should have taken it more seriously because that day, on the way home from school, I almost died.

Sludge, so thick I choke just thinking about it, crept its way down my throat. The smell forever burned into my memory. The blackness that had taken over my vision that day was something that I can never forget. It was my first experience with a near-death situation. That is when my childhood hero, All Might himself, swooped in and saved my life. I thought I would forever be safe with him around. That was my biggest misconception.

My chest felt just about ready to break open. There stood my idol, All Might, telling me that being a hero while quirkless was dangerous and irresponsible. Those weren't the words I needed to hear that day. He said being a hero would be unattainable for me, that I should set more realistic goals. He left me there, as if my entire world hadn't just imploded on itself. And with his own malpractice, All Might dropped the sludge villain.

The sky had been gradually getting darker, rain filling them throughout the day. The clouds would break and frigid rain would finally pour down when an explosion and smoke caught my attention. There were no thoughts in my head when I instinctively ran over to the overwhelming scene. There was Kacchan, and he was dying. Even today I couldn't tell you why it happened, but my body had moved on its own and by the time I noticed, I was trying to save my childhood friend - my bully. I was weak then, however, and so tragedy struck, followed by a quirk awakening and Kacchan's newfound fear of me.

I woke up with heroes surrounding me and Kacchan being talked to by All Might. When he caught sight of me, Kacchan seemed to flinch and recoil back. Not knowing what to do, I fled the scene. Heroes had called out for me to come back, most likely to reprimand me, but I didn't listen. The pounding of rain against the pavement had drowned out all but my thoughts. I sprinted home, not giving myself time to think about what had just happened. But even at home, things just got worse.

When I arrived home, police cars, a detective, and a hero greeted me. Tragedy had struck me once again that day. It had seemed like a poor prank back then. Even now, it's still so frighteningly unreal. I had two options moving forward from there - give up or fight forever. In the wake of tragedy that has plagued me since that day, I found my resolve. Right there and then I decided I would save everyone that needed saving. I would fight.

My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this was the day that changed my life forever. This was the day I set out to become the number one hero!


authors note:

Hii. this is my first story so im open to criticism 

im very excited to take this story where i want it to be so bare with me as these next few chapters are introductory and may be a bit boring compared to the rest of the story.


Alluding To DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora