Gilmore Twins

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I've always want to be the smart one but I wasn't. Rory my older sister by 3 minutes had the brains and looks. All I had was my pack of cigarettes under my bed. I took them from my Mom when I was ten. My Mom Lorelai smoked before she gave birth to us when she was a teenager so that's one thing I'm like her. She named my sister after herself and she named me after her favourite doll as a child (Stella). That's what you get when you give birth as a teenager, she was too worried about being pregnant she didn't have anytime to think of names. She didn't even know there was two of us when she was giving birth.

People say I look nothing like my Mom also , I have auburn hair that's more brown then red but still has red streaks in it . My Mom was tall and I was 5'2 at most. My sister was the spitting image of her with brown hair and legs for days. My sister took her smarts and I got the party side of her BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH.

"MOM have you seen my navy sweater anywhere" I walk out to the living room where she was sitting on our small couch watching tv.

"Nope , are you sure you didn't throw it into the washing machine?" She says as she turns around to face me.

"No I just saw it last night before I went to bed" I remember placing it on my dresser when Rory was complaining I was making too much noise when she was studying. The perks of sharing a room with a nerd.

Rory walks out to the living room and BAM SHE'S WEARING MY SWEATER.

"Are you being for real right now , that's mine I got it with Maeve when we went thrifting last week THEFT" I yell out her.

"Fine I'll take it off" she storms into our room and slams the door closed.

Ugh I walk pass our room's door into the kitchen walking straight to the coffee pot.

"Mom do you want coffee ?" being nice to her.

"Don't bother we'll go to Luke's in ten and hurry up RORY"

What can I say this family aren't morning people.

"Dad called me couple days ago" I said as I sat down on the couch beside my Mom.

Christopher and Lorelai met at the age of 6 and were best friends then dated when they were both teens. They were star crossed lovers but they broke up once Lorelai got pregnant.

"What did he say?" she seemed interested

"He got a new job in Boston doing some type of business thing"

"Good for him" she said.

Rory walks out with the navy sweater in her hands. She had on a white thick sweater and jeans on. She throws the sweater at me. I put it on over my black tank top and old black leggings that have a hole in the knee when I fell out of a tree and broke my leg. Mom was wearing a pink zebra shirt wide leg jeans and small brown boots.

I grabbed my black doc martins and tied them up.

Rory put on some low rise converse on , then we were ready to go to Luke's.

I'm the first to reach Luke, it's about a 5 minute walk.

Actually everywhere in Stars Hallow is a 5 minute walk. There's literally no point of driving anywhere here.

"Hey Kirk" I say to the world's most oddest man.

"HOLA STELLA" he said back to me.

I walk over to our signature round table by the widow and sit in my normal spot. Which is with my back facing the window. Mom sits closest to the counter and Rory sit on the other side of me.

"What's everyone thinking about getting?" Luke walks over to us and asked. Ever since I met Luke I always wanted him and my Mom to get together but that hasn't happened yet. It's actually the only thing Rory and I agree on. We both want her to be with someone she gets along with. Her and Luke banter is so cute.

"Waffles with strawberries and coffee" I add a please to the end.

"OO Pancakes and Coffee sounds good" Rory says.

"Coffee anddd um do you still have any pie left" Mom asked weirdly.

And yes my family is coffee obsessed and what about it.

"You can't have pie in the morning and ill get you guys all water"

"BOO" we say in unison.

"We need coffee Luke to stay awake" I pleaded.

"Fine coming right up" he walks away to go grab the food and coffee.

Rory and I go to the public school so we have 20 more minutes till it starts. Rory hates it their poor thing only has one friend Lane. I have Maeve and Grant but a lot more people know me since I did volleyball and was semi popular at party's. Partly because I went wild at party's and Rory never went. I tried to drag her to one freshman year and she walk back home when I wasn't looking.

"Do you have lipgloss" Rory asks Mom.

"I have vanilla, watermelon and pumpkin pie" she takes them all out of her big purse.

"Do you have any that's not flavoured?" I say reading Rory mind.

"Yes but it changes with your mood"

"You are sick and not in a good way" Rory grabs it from her hand.

"Hey the watermelon was mine and what's with you guys taking my things" I roll my eyes at both of them.

"We share DNA so that means we share everything else"

"Raul Paul doesn't need that much makeup"I added.

Luke comes back with the coffee and food.

"Thanks Luke" I say to him.

We all dive in eating everything on our plates and drinking the whole cup of coffee.

"Rory did you finish Mrs Gold history page?" thank goodness we only have one class together I don't know how I would live with her in ALL my classes.

"That's not due till tomorrow" She explained to me.

"Good I haven't even started"

"Ill help you with it tonight after I go to Lane's"

"Sure ill be back by 7 I'm going to Maeve after school"

"Look at you two getting along" Mom says with a smile on her face.

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