Ye Olde Traveler Tavern

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From the outside it looks unenjoyable, dull and nasty. Clay bricks and marble stones make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the depressing vibes from within can be felt outside. As you enter the tavern through the dirty, metal door, you're welcomed by a feeling of discomfort and watching eyes. The bartender is coughing into a dirty napkin and makes no effort to acknowledge your pressence. It's as gloomy inside as it is on the outside. Rounded, wooden beams support the upper floor and the huge, dusty lamps attached to them. The walls are loaded with pictures, though the dust and cobwebs stops you from taking a closer look.The tavern itself is almost completely abanonded. The few people inside you'd like to stay away from, but whoever they are, you'd like to stay as for away from them as possible. You did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's infamous for something, but for the life of you you can't remember what for. Though judging by the figures lurking in the shadows, it's probably some dirty business. 

Menu: The only food available is a small bowl of sticky chowder. The bartender will agree to any price. It smells horrid, and tastes even worse. Roll a d20 for each of the party members.

1-6: The PC gains a horrible stomachache and requires a long rest to get rid of it.

7-10: The PC is perfectly fine.

11-15: The PC feels queasy, and has disadvantage on any Dexterity check.

16-19: The PC talks nonsense for 1d6 hours. 

20: The chowder has been poisoned by an enemy of the party, and whoever drinks the chowder will lose 1d6 hit points. 

Drink: The bartender sells an expensive wine at an outrageous price, but it is really just watered ale. 

Accomodations: There is a large room in the back, with an empty bookshelf and twenty dirty cots lined up. The bartender charges 4 GP for each cot. 

Encounter(optional): In the night, the PC with the highest charisma will wake up to find a nimble-fingered gnome patting them down. The gnome will vanish on sight.

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