Chapter 9 | The Day After.

Start from the beginning

Till looked from the bed to me then to Paul and asked sounding very curious for once, "You guys shared?" That made me and Paul look at each other, then the bed then Till. I chose to speak, Paul might stutter and make it obvious, no offense to him of course but this little situation can't be revealed because Paul's a bit nervous. "Yea, I did suggest making a bed on the floor for one of us but then that one would probably be uncomfortable and the beds big enough at the end of the day, no problem. And the whole point of a hotel is a good refreshing night sleep." Till seemed to buy this okay and I let out a silent sigh of relief as I walked into the bathroom to get changed. I was going to have a shower but that'll have to wait now, I should have time at some point.

For today I wore some black jeans, a black band t-shirt, it was a small band, not sure where they're from but I liked their music, and then my boots. Not much colour today but when is there much beside a small bit of red. That's how I liked it though. I fixed my hair, spiky as usual, and did a small bit of black eyeliner around my eyes, quick and simple stuff. I walked out the bathroom maybe 5-10 minutes later and Paul went in, giving me a smile as he passed which I returned. Another 5 minutes later and Paul was also done. He was wearing some grey jeans and a black t-shirt with black boots. He also put on his hat which he wears any weather and that was us ready to go. It wasn't cold, according to Till, so no coats were taken besides my small wool hoodie just in case since you never know.

We stopped at the shared room of Till and Flake to get him. The door opened and just as Flake went to leave he remembered he forgot his phone on the bedside dresser. As he went back into the room I had a small peak around, just to see how theirs was set up, see if ours where the same or not. It was very close to ours except there were two double beds on either side of the room and it was obviously bigger, after all it needed to house two big beds. Just before Flake came back to the door I spotted something odd. Either one of them had made their bed and the other hadn't.. or?... Then the door shut and we were off. I guess Till probably didn't make his bed and Flake did, that's probably it.

We walked for maybe 15 minutes, talking amongst ourselves as we went to a nearby café. We sat at a square table by the window, I sat on the left side, closest to the window, and Paul sat next to me. Till was directly across from me and Flake was directly across from Paul. We talked about the shows as we sat down and then tried to decide what we'd all have. Looking through the menu I decided on a full breakfast and a coffee, as I said I'm very hungry for some reason this morning. Paul also wanted a full breakfast with coffee. Till wanted some toast also with coffee and that was it, what was the point really but okay Till. Flake wanted a bacon and egg sandwich with a tea, expected from Flake he doesn't always eat a lot in the morning but it was weird for Till to not get more, especially when there's so many options. When we ordered our food it was obvious the waitress knew us, but she was very nice and waited until we'd finished ordering before telling us she loved our music and planned on seeing our show tonight. We thanked her and she asked for a picture which we did. She then told us to wait about 15 minutes for our food which she'd bring herself. She really seemed like a nice girl.

We continued to talk between us, Flake and Till getting caught in one particular subject like they usually do. I stopped taking attention after a little bit and started watching out the window, watching people walk by. After all people watching was a good pass time. I saw a few women walk by, obviously doing some health walk thing with weights on their ankles and holding them in their hands, all talking to each other with smiles. Weird if you ask me but fair enough on them. A couple of guys were messing around, trying to get one to talk to a particular girl outside. She didn't seem interested if you ask me. Just as I noticed a group of dogs walking past pulling along one small guy, I felt a hand. It was just lightly resting on my knee under the table. Paul. I gave him a look of slight disbelief and made sure Till and Flake weren't noticing, which they definitely weren't, they were still invested in their conversation. He just gave me a soft smile and leaned a little closer to me, unnoticeable to anyone else but I was watching him so closely I saw. I smiled back and decided to grab his hand under the table, holding it gently before going back to people watching.

A few more minutes passed before the food came, and it was the same nice young woman. She put down our food, Tills first, then Flakes, then Pauls and finally mine. As I looked at her and smiled I thanked her for the food, she looked down to make sure she put the food on the table okay. Guessing by her face she noticed mine and Paul's hand because she made a small gesture at us then smiled. None of the others noticed because they were now interested by their food. I tried to give a subtle gesture to keep this a secret and she smiled again. My face blushed a little as I moved my hand out of Paul's to start eating. She just walked off with a smile on her face.

That's when Till seemed to notice and started to chuckle, "You good there Richard? Got a little crush on the waitress?" I shook my head instantly, a little too quick and obviously if I'm being honest. Trying to save myself I swallowed a small bite of food I'd taken and said, "No. No, of course not. She's really not my type." Till just shook his head and chuckled, Flake doing the same as they both continued with their food. I turned to Paul to make sure he wasn't offended or upset, he smiled at me and patted my leg slightly. Guess he's okay. I'll explain later.

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