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After washing your face you went to your classroom. You were alone in the room. Everyone was eating their lunch.

A few minutes passed by. You were holding your tears as much as you could. You heard footsteps so you looked up and saw Minho coming towards you. 

You rested your head on the table. "y/n?" Minho called you. He rarely uses his sweet voice. You hummed. 

"Did something happen? Why did you leave suddenly?" He asked softly.

You looked at him with teary eyes. He panicked and sat beside your seat, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and embraced you.

You couldn’t hold your tears anymore. You let your tears out. "Why am I too easy to be fooled by others?" you said and sniffed.

Minho didn’t ask anything so you were grateful to him. After crying out for some time you finally calmed  yourself down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Minho asked. If you can't tell him then there is no one in this world you can tell. 

You nodded. You told him everything. You could see he was furious after you told him that the Chris you used to text is Bang Chan.

He bagged his fist on the table harshly which made you flinch. "This guy is not sitting beside you anymore " Minho said and grabbed Chan's bag and threw it where Minho usually sits.

But it fell on the ground. "That was rude," you mumbled. "What he did was sweet?" Minho questioned and raised his eyebrow. You looked down and shook your head.

Students started coming from the cafeteria.

"Minho this is my seat"  you heard Chan's voice but you didn’t even bother to look at him as your head was resting on the table.

"Seat there," Minho said and pointed to the seat beside Jisung. "Why's my bag on the floor?" Chan asked,annoyance was cleared in his voice.

"Just go and sit there,will you?" Minho said. "Why would-" Chan was cut off when the teacher called him.

"Get back to your seat everyone! " The teacher shouted. 

"Now go," Minho said. Chan didn’t have any other choice. He won't argue in front of a teacher at least.


The bell rang after 3 more periods which meant you could go home now. You took your things and were walking through the hallway with Minho.

"Y/N WAIT!" You heard a voice calling your name. You looked back and saw Jisung running towards you.

"Did you forget we have to complete the project today?" Jisung said. Yes you forgot. You didn’t remember it at all.

"I bet you forgot," Minho said and laughed. "Let's go?" Jisung said more like a question. "Okay," 

"I have my own project to do too so I will go home now" Minho said. You nodded "Bye" Jisung bid him a bye too.

"It's not far so we can just walk there if you are okay with it," Jisung said. "Let's walk then" you said and followed Jisung to his house. 

It took only 5 minutes. Jisung rang the doorbell and a middle aged lady opened the door. She looked a lot like Jisung. 

"Hi mom," Jisung greeted. His mom smiled and looked at you. You bowed "Hello" you greeted too.

"Come in" she said and opened the door fully so you guys could come inside. 

"I'll be in my room" Jisung told her mom. "Let's go" he said and you went with him.

His room was really clean and organised. There were 3 plushies on his bed which made the room look more comfortable. 

You guys started your project. You have to admit Jisung was really fast with this work.

Just because of him you could finish it within a short time. But still it was dark when I looked through the window.

"Do you want me to drop you at your house?" Jisung asked. "That won't be needed, I can go by myself" you said.

"It's dangerous to-"  he stopped when he saw his room's door suddenly opening. 

He tilted his head to see if it was his mom. "What are you doing here?" Jisung asked. 

You still couldn’t see who it was. "I was bored" you heard a familiar voice. You wished it wasn't him but when he came inside he was more shocked than you.

"What are you doing here?" Chan asked. You didn’t say anything. You started putting your belongings inside your bag.

"I'll be going now" You said as you got up. "Are you sure you'll be fine alone?" Jisung asked. You nodded.

"I'm familiar with this neighbourhood" you said "I'll go with you" Chan said. 

"I don't want you to go with me. '' You said and left the room. Chan left Jisung's room as well.

You thought he would just follow you until you are out of the house since you clearly said you don’t want him to go with you.

But he was still following you even outside. "Stop following me,this is getting creepy" you said looking back at him.

"I'm not following you. I'm going home" Chan said calmly.

You started walking faster, so did Chan. You were really pissed off by that. You thought of just running but before you could pace your speed Chan grabbed your wrist and stopped you.

"What?" You asked, looking all serious and annoyed. 

"Did I do something? Are you mad at me?" Chan asked with a soft voice, looking straight into your eyes. His gaze made your legs weak for some reason. 

"Don't act like you care" you said and swag his hand that was wrapped around your wrist.

"What did I even do?If you don't tell me how am I supposed to know?" Chan asked.

You laughed sacristy. "I said don't act like you care when you don't, we are not even friends " you said. 

"At least tell me why you are mad at me," Chan said."Why did you do that? Why?" you asked which made Chan confused more than he already was.


"Why did you text me as Chris? Why did you hide the fact that you were Chris? Was it fun? Were you satisfied knowing I was dumb enough to catch feelings for you? Did you have a fun time playing like this?" As you asked him all these questions your tears were threatening. It might fall any time.

"How did you-" You cut him off.

"That doesn’t matter how I figured it out. I'm just letting you know you can stop playing now since I already know who you are" You said 

"It's not like how you assumed it was. I can explain, ''he said. He earned another sarcastic laugh from you. 

"Oh really?" 

"I was-"

"Y/N!" you heard someone calling your name. You looked from where the voice was coming from.

You saw your mom inside her car,calling your name to get your attention. 
Oh shit 

"Come here y/n" your mom said and you obeyed her. "Get in the car. It's already late y'know" your mom said. You nodded and opened the passenger seat's door and went inside to sit.
You buckled  your seat belt. Your mom started the car engine and drove to your house. You were afraid of what she would say after getting home.

"Are you okay?" your mom asked without looking away from the road.

"Huh? Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I?" you laughed awkwardly 

"I kinda saw you shouting at Byung Chan," your mom said.

"Mom, it's Bang Chan. Umm it's nothing serious " you told her but she didn't fall for your lies.

"It looked serious somehow. But you really shouldn’t yell in the middle of the street." your mom said.
"I wasn't yelling" you mumbled

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