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Hello everyone Moon here. In this chapter I'll be explaining everything. What Merfolk and Sirens are. How humans, Merfolk, and Sirens can transform. What soulmate Marks are. What soulmate Magic is. What mermaid Magic is. Along with other stuff.

Humans are known for their quirks. Heroes and villains. The stronger and flasher their quirk is the more likely they will be successful as a hero. With more than 95% of the human population having some type of power. While the other 5% doesn't have a quirk. These people are know as Quirkless. Humans finding their soulmate is rare sight to see. Many humans' soulmates are a Mermaid or a Merman.

Merfolk/Mermaids/Mermen are known for their different types and kinds of magic, their beauty, their beautiful tails that are compared to gems. They can find their soulmates by the color of their soulmate magic. Their soulmate magic is the same color as their soulmate's eye color. They don't unlock their soulmate magic until they have met their soulmate.

Sirens are known as the fallen angels of the sea. Sirens were once a Mer person, but they killed their first soulmate and as punishment they'll lose the color of their tails. The gem color of a Mer person's tail will change to a dull color gray.  They may be beautiful but don't be fooled by their looks. Cuz if you are not their new soulmate they will kill you. Sirens' are amazing singers, but their songs will put you in a trance.

Mer-Sirens are known for their black and another color tails. A Mer-Siren are a Mer person who was born with a Siren as a parent. Their black scales will disappear when they find their soulmate. They are amazing singers like their Siren parent/parents.


Humans can changed into a Mermaid/Merman after drinking 5 drops of Mermaids'/Mermans' blood. The transformation will last for 7 days and 6 nights. On the 7th night they will need to drink another 5 drops of Mermaids'/Mermans' blood. For a human to stay a Mermaid/Merman they'll have to drink 10 drops of their Mermaid/Merman soulmate to stay as a Mermaid/Merman.

Merfolk and Sirens can take on a human form after drinking a 5 drops of a human's blood. The transformation will last for 7 days and 6 nights. On the 7th night they will need to drink another 5 drops of humans' blood. For a Merfolk to stay a human they'll have to drink 10 drops of their human soulmate to stay a human.

Soulmate Marks

After doing the deed with your soulmate. Yours and theirs Soulmate Marks will appear. They'll appear to look like tattoos and look exactly the same. The only differences are that they mirror each other. The colors are the same as each other, but they will be the opposite from each other. Here's a example.

Soulmate Magic are like quirks, but they are a lot more powerful than quirks are. Katsuki's soulmate magic is Demonic Emerald Explosions. Soulmate Magic is split into multiple different kinds from most powerful to least powerful. It's not uncommon for one person to have two different types of soulmate magic, three is considered rare, but four is not unheard of but is hard to find, but someone who has all of the types of soulmate magic hasn't been seen since the first Mermaid king.

0.) Multi magic is the what the first Mermaid king had and he was the only known Mermaid to have this soulmate magic. All that is known about this soulmate magic is that the user is of royal blood, the user can use all of the types of soulmate magic, and it is that it will only appear once again when the world will face a huge threat to both humans and the mere people in the future.

1.) Demonic magic is powerful but also dangerous if not used carefully. This magic is connected to a Demon. If the Demon finds you trustworthy it will make a partnership with you. If this happens you will receive full control over your magic and you'll be able to transform into a half Demon.

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