It's a Face Not a Mask

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A/n: When you the font like this it means they are talking in sign language.

I walk into the restroom at school with Sophia Sanchez going to meet Ginny, Max, Abby and Norah. Sophia goes to the stalls and I walk over to the mirror and we both see Max, Abby, and Norah checking themselves out and Ginny watch them. "What are you losers doing?" I ask them. "Well we were doing our make up but then we distracted by our neck bones." Maxine says and I start laughing. "Come on let's go I want to see Marcus?" I Say walking out of the bathroom and they follow me. "Please don't talk about my brother." Max says and I hug her. "Oh Marcus I love you so, so, so much." I say then start making kissing sounds. "This is homophobia." Maxine says and I laugh letting her go.

"Anyways that really hot girl that walked in with Thea was Sophia Sanchez." Addy tells Ginny. "She's a Senior." Norah says.

"She's done cocaine with Thea, and she's got the best ass in school." Max says and I nod my head in agreement. "She hangs out in blue with all the popular seniors." Maxine says pointing at the blue hang out spot.

"Then there's deaf kid yellow." I say pointing at the yellow side. "Hi how's your summer?" I asks one of the boys over there doing sign language. "Good, thank you." They replied. "Cool." Max says also in sign laughing.

"My dad's deaf, and my mom runs, EDCO, it's the district deaf program." Max explains. "And I picked up sign language because just in case I met someone who was deaf and because it looks good on college transcript if you can speak, English, Spanish, French and Sign Language."

"Light green is for losers." Addy says and we walk through light green hallway. "Abby be nice." I tell her. "Okay mom." She says then starts laughing.

"That's ABC Hallway." Addy says pointing at the Hallway. "It's like a jock hallway but it also just smells a lot like Axe."

"And red is for delinquents and stoners and my brother and Thea." Max says and I gasps. "I am not a delinquent but a stoner, yes." I say and start laughing. "I see you guys later." I say then walk to my locker and wait for Marcus.

"Hey Babe." Marcus says leaning against the locker next to mines. "Hey." I say closing my locker and facing him. "You're sister called me a delinquent, I'm so hurt that she would think that low of me." I tell him and he smirks. "Well you kind of are." He tell me leaning closer to me. "What? How?" I ask him also moving closer to him. "Because you stole my heart." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Ew that was the cheesiest thing you've ever said." I say giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Really?" He asks me and I nod my head. "Yeah." Then we both kissed as the bell rings. "I'll see you at lunch for our daily edibles." I tell him pulling away. "See ya." He says I walk to class.

"Okay that's it for today. Grab your pop quiz on the way out." Mr Gitten says standing by the door giving the quiz back to students. "I was very disappointed."

"AP English is supposed to separate you from the herd. There was only two perfect score in the entire class." Mr. Gitten says handing Hunter is quiz then me. "Hunter Chen, and Theodosia Sun are the one to beat."

Hunter and I both show off our perfect score to Ginny and Max then high five as we walk out.

After school Max and I go to her house to get ready for the hang out at Brodie's basement.

We walk downstairs and see Georgia and drinking wine. "Hey, Georgia. You look amazing as per ushe. See y'all later." Maxine says as I walk in to the living to see Marcus and his dad.

"Hi Mr. Baker, it's lovely seeing you again." I say in sign language. "It's lovely seeing you too Thea."

I walk over to Marcus and sit down on his lap as we watched the game together.

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