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imsebastianstan : came all this way to see 'me' and now won't put the book down

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imsebastianstan : came all this way to see 'me' and now won't put the book down

tagged; @nusuart 

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Real Life

"are you ever going to put that book down?" 

Nuan pulled the book to her chest and looked over at her boyfriend of nearly four months and grinned at him.

"in a minute, it's just gotten good."

"but i missed you."
Sebastian whined watching her giggle pulling the book back over her face, he sat down on the blanket he had bought especially for this picnic that really wasn't going how he planned right now. 

not even four minutes later the book was down and the two were enjoying each others company on the unusually warm day. they took turns filling each other in on the last two months and everything they had done, event hough they had already done that on their nightly facetimes but having the chance to see each other's faces non-pixelated made it so much better. 

hours passed till all the food was gone and the two were cuddling up close looking up at the clear nights sky aimlessly talking.

"i'm so glad I met you." 

"i'm glad i rambled at you." 

"oh yes that really was the determining factor." 

"none of my other wonderful skills?"

"well, your whistling could use some work." 

"shut up." 

the two laughed till Sebastian turned to face the woman he was indeed falling over his heels for. Nuan, noticing the silence turned to him and the pair stared into the others eyes for the longest time till one of Nuan's random blurts broke the silence.

"i love you." 

when her brain registered what was said, her eyes went wide and she tried to turn away, only to be stopped by her boyfriend cupping her face with his hand, grinning wider than the cheshire cat he pulled her closer before pressing his lips to hers.

"i love you too, amant." 

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