Chapter 47: We have to fight WHO now?

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Tw: N/A
Word Count: 1,385

Akari POV:
It's been 2 days since the fight at Ground Beta, and now Midoriya is back in class. Bakugo is able to come tomorrow after his punishment. I have already given everyone their feather necklaces getting use to the feeling of them being around me and not on me. When 3 people came into the room.

   Aizawa sensei started introducing them as UA's Big Three. The most likely to hit top of the charts. I already knew these three from the HSPC Files. The commission wanted to recruit Tamaki Amjiki for his quirk yet never succeeded. I knew not to underestimate them right away. Though what surprised me is that the blonde one Mirio Togata confused me. His quirk is supposedly permeation. He also works with All Mights ex sidekick Sir Nighteye.

   We were then told to fight them more of Mirio. I was told to hang back along with Todoroki who opted out. It wasn't even been 5 minutes and everyone in class was taken out. Except Midoriya. He kept bouncing around countering Mirio which made me realize something. I smirked as Todoroki nudged my side saying,

   "Your planning something." In his blunt tone of voice. I nodded saying,

   "I have a plan." Todoroki nodded as I noticed that Aizawa was staring dead at me saying as Midoriya got knocked out,

   "Alright Mirio your fighting Sorahiko. You both have 15 minutes after you help move the class." We nodded and started moving the class off to the side me being well me healed most of them before going up into the air. I smirked saying,

   "I wonder if your permeation can really work if I just simply-" he went underground and I sent feathers making them hit the ground hard shooting him back up. He started talking as if this was a game. Well then two can play then. He questioned how I knew how to fight, my tactics, and my spirit as the fight went on. All I could say is,

   "The hero commission does wonders don't you think?" As I dodged a punched to my face and threw him an undercut. It didn't go through him like when he's permeating, I smirked as he gritted his teeth going backwards. Before he could give the next blow we felt our quirks stop. We turned to see Aizawa who was using his quirk.

   We relaxed our fighting stance as I went on and landed on the ground. He explained that class is over and we should probably get ready for our next one. I nodded and immediately started walking to the locker rooms. I heard Mirio say something to Midoriya but I couldn't hear it. I was to far away. I took one last glance at the Big Three thinking,

   "Oh how lucky they are." Before heading into the locker room to change. The girls were waiting for me apparently and were talking animatedly about the spar. I simply shrugged it off. I mean it's just a spar I didn't need to knock him out or anything just land a hit on him.

   He's older, has more "experience" in their eyes, and is working with All Mights ex-sidekick. He is also the most likely to be "top 10" material. I don't think he is he's best in social media wise surely he's handsome in their book but I couldn't really believe what he was saying. He seemed groomed to be that way and it's mostly forced. Like he was told to do that. I should know.

   I sighed changing into my school uniform before heading out for lunch. I smiled, laughed, the usual routine. While my mind was thinking about work-study. I already know the commission wants me to be with Todoroki but since Kaito came back things have been odd to say the least. They haven't spoken anything about Todoroki. They didn't even confirm what's happening anymore. I think cause of the Hosu incident they cancelled it due to the danger I thrown into due to Endeavor's recklessness.

   Another thing got me thinking as well is Todoroki. He knows about Touya he was supposedly "dead" after all. I mean I saw the body before I passed out. I think. I shook my head thinking back to it. There was a lot going on during that.

   I didn't want to think much but well school and ma'am so I gotta do what I gotta do. I did things quickly and efficiently soon enough study hall started. I was listening to music letting the class run its course. Of course it was more quiet due to Aizawa sensei taking a nap in the front but other then that people were chatting, studying, etc. I finished today's homework and Aizawa got up starting afternoon announcements. He started talking about work study and all that. I zoned out simply just sitting there thinking about the work I'll have to do tonight since I finished my homework early.

   I didn't know what to do when we got to the dorms. We were left to "think" about the connections we have for work studies. I sighed going up to my dorm going straight for my laptop emailing ma'am about my progress and about work studies. She seemed pleased and she was looking to see where I can work now that I can do work study. I wanted to visit the unit and see how they're doing but didnt say anything. Besides I can ask Haru when I'm at the agency for the weekend. My weekend bag is already packed and everything as well.

   After a bit I started working on office work and it only took 2 and a half hours leaving an hour before dinner. If I'm correct Iida has made a schedule on who's making dinner. Tonight is Sato's turn for dinner. I believe he's making breakfast for dinner. It's an American thing and Kaminari is ecstatic about it. He's one of the best in English despite his ADHD.

   I sighed looking at the roof. I wondered about the Greek myths and decided to 1. Annoy- Call Kaito and 2 make him play with me. I put Kaito on FaceTime and kept annoying him. He was in the middle of a nap. Since Shiketsu is also a boarding school for those who live far away. I smirked saying,

   "I didn't want to be a halfblood."

   He groaned before muttering some curses then said with a sleepy tone of voice,

  "I didn't want to be a hero seeking praise~"

   "Your awake now come on I wanna play with you." He stared hard at the laptop infront of him as I grabbed my violin. He sighed getting up and grabbing his keyboard. Everyone in the unit after a few years of me learning along with Haru ended up having to choose 2 instruments. Kaito being dumb decided to choose 3 without realizing it. He had learned how to play ukulele, guitar, and piano. Though that was an accident on his part. He made a bet that he could play better than me on piano when he originally had been playing ukulele and guitar. He just added a whole other instrument cause his handler overheard us. 

   I smiled as he started us off playing the medley from the anime Your Lie in April. I played along with him and we ended up being louder than expected. When finished playing I smiled softly at Kaito who gave me a thumbs up. Out the corner of my eye I noticed an earphone Jack and a yellow horn. I sighed saying my goodbyes to Kaito before turning to the girls saying,

   "Come on our you two- no wait 3? You guys do realize I can feel when my feathers are near me right?" Jirou smacked Mina who yelped saying,

    "I told you that we'd be caught." Mina sighed rebutting with,

    "Well we wanted to know who was playing violin up here. Besides she was suppose to come down 10 minutes ago." At this point I was already putting my violin away in its case. I smiled softly as they bickered. While Yaomomo-san sat on my bed saying,

    "You both played beautifully on that composition." I smiled thanking her before egging the girls to head downstairs. Dinner is about to start anyways.

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