Chapter Fifty-Nine: Loyalty

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Adir's POV:

Kitsuk jolts awake just as her head falls against my knee for the hundredth time.

Dorian pauses his debate, sighing as he places his hand on her sleepy head.

"Should we call it a night for the woman?" Kitsuk shakes her head.

"I can stay up," she pouts, unwilling to be the reason we stop our talks for tonight.

"Of course you can, Doll, but it is late and you need your sleep," Dorian decides, nodding to me to take her to bed.

I scoop her up with no complaints from her.

Killian clears his throat, making me pause when I go to lower her in bed.

I turn in question, cradling Kitsuk close.

"She hasn't warmed our beds in a while, Adir..." Killian draws, shifting in front of his cot.

I look from my sleeping woman to Dorian, knowing he is the one that will make the call.

"She's tired," I try to explain.

"The deal has always been for her to warm everyone's bed, Adir, and she hasn't been. You have to share," Dorian informs me reluctantly, seeming to pity poor Kitsuk, but not enough to forget the agreement that was made about our woman.

Kitsuk is barely conscious, half asleep in my arms when I bring her to Issac's bedside. He shakes his head and shoos me away after placing a peck to her head, not wanting to wake her.

I bring her to Larken's cot, crawling in behind her when I see Larken has no intention to get into bed with my wife, platonically or not.

The sheets are cold at first, but warm quickly with the both of us under them.

I struggle to move her without waking her too much. A snarl leaves her precious lips as I wake her as I move her to Killian's bed.

"I know, Treasure. I'm sorry," I whisper, trying to soothe her.

Her reaction must have been subconscious because she immediately falls back asleep.

Killian waits in bed, bristling with excitement. Before I even approach he is sat up, holding his arms out expectantly to take her.

I lean down to transfer her to him, staring longingly as Kitsuk curls into his chest once in his arms.

He remains sat up with her in his lap, caressing her shoulder and playing with the tendrils of her hair.

I take a seat on the edge of my cot, my tired eyes drooping as I wait to give her to Dorian so that me and her can finally go to bed.

Her cheek presses against Killian's naked chest, her face smashed unharmoniously in her sleep.

Killian doesn't seem to notice how hard she is crashed out in his arms, his hand finally traveling down to her stomach.

My chest twists into something familiar seeing him rub her stomach. When my brothers would do that to her when we thought she was pregnant at first it didn't bother me, now though protectiveness bubbles up.

I stand immediately and Killian knows my intentions, smiling softly as he lifts her back into my arms.

I cradle her close, unwilling to pass her to Dorian. He doesn't ask and I don't explain, taking Kitsuk to bed with me.

She doesn't even wake, leaving me to stare at her sleeping form as I contemplate why it bothered me so much to see Killian touching her stomach.

My fingers skim over her belly the same way and I pause, pondering for a moment if it is because I can sense life in her.

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