The Dramatic Drama Last Part

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"Huh...." Hima pauses
"I'm asking something Hanazono." Hotarou said in a serious tone
"We're working on a skit together!" Replied Hima
Suddenly, someone says from behind "Which is cancelled sadly..."
"Hmm? What do you mean Kyouko?" Asks Hima
Kyouko Sakurada, One of the popular faces of the school. Half smart, half weird girl... She once claimed she likes me which made me the target of all the guys that like her. It was like they'll even assassinate me! But they didn't.....
"Miss Honda said that the storytime of this year is been cancelled for some reason." Said Kyouko
"That's bad but never mind..." Said Hima
"Where is the energy people?!!" A loud voice is heard from the corridor
"It's Takishima I see." said Hotarou
"Who do we have here?" Asks Yoshio
"Ahh you're a shadow, right? That's what I heard everyone calls you." Says Hima
"Correct! And you're the perfect Vice President Hima Hanazono" says Yoshio
"Pleasure meeting you!" Said Hima
"The pleasure is mine! But What's your relationship with Saikawa if I may ask?" Questions Yoshio
"Damn you Yoshio....."
"Uhh, we're....." Hima pauses
"None of your business!" Says sho
"Let's leave Hanazono" sho holds hima's hand and leaves
"Geez... Why can't this guy just accept the fact? Because of him, Hanazono has to suffer too" says Hotarou
"But you know what I think? That little girl is just perfect for him and won't leave his side no matter what..." Says Yoshio
"You almost read my mind. I hope they'll stay like this forever." Says Hotarou

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