Its okay to take it slow.

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"Mills, Mills, can you hear me?" Asked Josh worryingly. Millie was zoned out. In her own little world. That was the only time she could get some peace and quiet. Away from reality... away from her life... away from all harm. Sadly it didn't always last to long. "Huh- yeah I'm good." Stuttered Millie bringing herself back into the real world.

"Get some rest Mills your eyes are all puffy and dark." Said Josh. Millie made a sour face at him. "You just wouldn't understand would you? Your life has always been so perfect... I just wish I could be like you for one day.. maybe my puffy eyes would magically cure." Laughed Millie. Deep down inside, although she hid it, she was truly hurting.

"Hey don't worry I'll buy you a coffee and we'll head to my house and gorge down on popcorn." Said Josh in an effort to cheer her up. And that's exactly what they did.

Millie slurped down her coffee as they slowly walked to Josh's. It was the only place where she could clear her head without hearing screaming in the background. Her parents hadn't been getting along too well lately. Sadly, it affected her more than it ever would them.

The truth was.. she had feelings for Josh. He had felt like the only person in her life who truly understood that's it's okay to be sad. He was always there for her and never made her suppress how she felt around him. Except for when it came to love.

It was touchy subject for Josh. He questioned everything and could never truly understand himself. His only girlfriend had dumped him after two days because he was too "boring" for her.

Millie although, thought he was more than enough. She could talk to him for hours and never feel unheard. She just got those one in a million butterflies.

Whenever Millie tried to bring up a potential relationship he just brushed it off and said what he always did. "It's okay to take it slow."

I guess his kindred animal must have been a sloth then because if slow meant their seven years of pure "friendship" she didn't know how she would make it to eight..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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