chapter 19: Evil Among Us

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Olga looked wide-eyed before she narrowed her eyes sternly. "Whatever you do, don't mess up because one wrong move and you'll ruin the whole dance," she then hissed quietly to Dee Dee. "So watch it. Okay?"

Dee Dee bit her lip as she looked a little nervous suddenly as Olga grinned at Dee Dee feeling nervous. The girls soon continued to do their dance as the music directed them on what to do while the adults in the audience watched with ease. After a while, the first part of the dance ended, and the students rested before they were soon given light applause from their audience.

"There's my daughter up there in the Hans Christian Dior tutu." Derek whispered as he sat close beside Leroy and Nova.

"Ah, right. The spoiled little Swan Princess." Leroy grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Leroy, be nice." Nova whispered firmly to Leroy.

"I'm just bein' honest." Leroy grinned in defense.

Nova sighed and shook her head at Leroy's behavior. Soon, the music started again as the light shined down on Dee Dee and she began to do her solo dance, though she was a little wonky and awkward due to Olga pressuring her.

"Oh... That's our daughter-Figure! Our daughter figure... Up there in those cute little pigtails." Nova soon whispered to Derek.

"Yeah, there's Dee Dee," Leroy said as he took a look before he suddenly looked concerned. "...She looks sick. She don't look so good," he then looked at Nova before looking firm slightly. "You made Dee Dee go up there when she feels sick?"

"Oh, she's probably just nervous because it's her first big show, but at least she's not alone," Nova whispered back in reassurance. "Just use your imagination."

"I am using it," Leroy spoke up before he looked over at his brother Dopey. "I think Dopey's using his imagination that he has more candy."

Dopey pouted as he was sitting with an empty box of chocolates while Ebony put her arm around him.

"Shh!" Someone in the audience shushed as the singing and dancing continued.

"Ah, shush yourself." Leroy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Not too fast... Not too slow..." Dee Dee whispered to herself as she began to do her solo dance, though she sounded like she was going to throw up.

"SMILE!" Olga glared as she shoved Dee Dee a bit.

Dee Dee yelped as she slipped on her slippers and suddenly fell on the stage on her ankle as she groaned and cried out. The audience gasped in concern for the girl while Olga decided to take the spotlight for Dee Dee and dance only for the spotlight to turn off suddenly, much to the greedy girl's disappointment.

"Hey! HEY!" Leroy yelled out as he stood up, feeling paternal all of a sudden even if he wasn't Dee Dee's biological father.

"Leroy, please!" Nova gasped in concern.

Suddenly, the music stopped and the lights turned off until Odette rushed back across the stage and the spotlight came back down on her. "There will now be a brief intermission." she soon said to the crowd with a reassuring smile before she rushed backstage, biting her lip in concern. "Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear."

The audience just looked over at each other, still concerned about what was going on. Henry was probably the most concerned since Dee Dee was his best friend and she had gotten terribly hurt. Olga stood in the back with her arms folded and a bit of a death glare as everyone else had surrounded Dee Dee as held onto her injury, looking like she was trying very hard not to cry.

"All right, all right, people, give her some room," Odette told her other students before approaching the injured one who was sitting on the floor. "Oh, poor Dee Dee... Are you all right, dear?~"

The Modern Fairy Tale Town Book 2: The Price of MagicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ