"Are you quite through, Virginia?" Mr. Gitten asks her. "No. Please call me Ginny." She answers. Okay I like this girl I need to be friends with her like now.

"Well, I don't know how things weren't done at your last school, Ginny, but here, we don't tolerate political outbursts and grandstanding at the expense of your peers' class time." Mr. Gitten says then Max raises her hand. "Yes, Maxine?"

"Hi. I'm, like also super concerned about my subconscious digestion of the superiority of the White male perspective." Max says then I raise my hand too.

Mr. Gitten looks at them rolls his eyes. "What, Theodosia?"

"I have period cramps, so can I go to the nurse?" I ask being sarcastic then started laughing with Ginny and Max.

"Okay that's it." Mr. Gitten starts. "For the rest of the class, we will be silent and take the pop quiz."

After class I go to my locker and take out the edibles me and Marcus was gonna eat for lunch like we always do.

Ten minutes later Marcus is at my locker. "What took you so long I was missing you." I say as he pulls me into hug. "I was talking to the new girl." Marcus says and I smile and laugh. "Right. I win. Thanks for buying us weed babe." I say then lean on my tippy toes a little to give Marcus a kiss. "Anything for you." He smiles. I grab his hand and we walk to cafeteria.

We sit in the back away from everyone. I give his edible and we both eat it. "Do you want to hang out after school today?" I ask him. "Yeah." He say and I smile.

"Okay well I have to go pick up my brother from school but after I'll drive to your house and pick you up." I tell him he nods his head.

"You would not believe what happened last night when I was sneaking back home." Marcus tells me and immediately I'm interested in his story. "What happened?" I say him.

"Okay I was was about to climb back up my window when the new girl-"

"Ginny." I tell him so he can stop calling her new even though she is but she also has a name.

"Ginny's mom came up to me asking me for weed." Marcus says and I laugh. "No way really."

"Yes. It was so funny. I think I was too high to comprehend what was happening but I was dying when she ran away and told me not to do drugs." He says and I laugh some more. "Well look at us now eating edibles."

After school I drive to pick up my little brother from Elementary school then drove to Marcus' house.

I pull up to his house and Ginny is there. Damn Maxine works fast she already has Ginny wrapped around her. "Marcus let's go." I yell and he turns around and starts walking to the Car. "Hey Ginny. I don't know if you remember me but we have AP English." I say from the car. She nervously smiles and nods. "Yeah I remember."

"Well see you tomorrow." I say as Marcus gets in the car and greets my little brother. "See you." She says then I drive to my house.

"God I fucking love Ginny even though I just met her. I feel like me and her would get along so well." I tell Marcus and he looks out of it. "Are you okay babe?" I ask him. "Huh, oh yeah, I'm fine it's just mom stuff." He tells me.

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