It was a place that, to anyone else, they wouldn't expect. As, with most places that you'd expect to be storing people. A normal looking building wouldn't be the first thought, almost a warehouse at first glance. Or a storage unit. But, this was where his father had told them to go. The two partners shared a look, asking the question that was raised earlier. The two nodded in sync.

"You sure May won't kill him?" Rebecca asked, she had paused while exiting the vehicle. Having the door still open as she looked at her partner with a conflicted look. "Unfortunately for the two of us, yeah. He'll be fine..." He paused as he closed the door, "...Besides, I'll deal with him later."

"Don't you mean 'we'?" Rebecca questioned; Aaron turned to her for a moment before he looked back at the normal looking building.

"If this really is it, then we'll all go our separate ways after this. And he'll be my responsibility." He answered.

"What are you going to do with him?" She asked next, Aaron fully made eye contact this time in thought.

"I don't know yet." His answer was quiet. And, for now, that was where they left it.

They took cover at the door, both on either side of it. Handgun's, this time, out. The two met each other's eyes, communicating one thing this time. A countdown. 3...2...1...

They stopped just as they were about to kick the door in. Or rather, Rebecca did. She put her arm out, Aaron stopped, watching her as she noticed some markings on the door. She looked back to Aaron, who nodded. She placed her hand against the door, giving it a light push.

The door opened wide.

Entering the building, they saw why Michael would've picked it. While outside it was a normal place, inside was anything but. A long corridor, with two ways to go at the end. Along with that long hallway in front of them sat a bunch of doors. All numbered. So, they entered the hallway. Aaron tok the lead, with Rebecca following. Both with their guns raised.

It was eerie, the silence that was only broken by their footsteps. They would've expected something. Anything other than just silence. They reached the T junction of the hallway; both took up either side. They shared a look, before once again counting to three. Then turned their retrospective corners. Continuing down them on their own.

As they walked, a door creak gained both of their attention. They both looked back the way they had just come. A door was being opened. They both found the nearest door to them. And barrelled into them. While somehow still trying to be quiet.

Rebecca slammed her door, immediately hearing another noise, she wiped round. Gun raised. She lowered it almost instantly in shock. Hand covering her mouth to try and contain the noise of horror that came from it. People were behind it. All hooked up to heart rate monitors. All naked too. Some with scratches, others with burn marks, some with bruises.

Shakily, she placed a finger to her lips, her breath being uneven as she slowly lowered herself to their level to appear less as a threat. They too tried to calm themselves as best they could in their given circumstances. To them, it was trying to decipher whether or not this was real. That maybe rescue was here. And this wasn't another daydream they were having as their bodies recovered.

She spotted one wall had words bloodily drawn on the wall. "Inhumans holding #7." It read. But it was crossed out with blood, "People." Was what it had been replaced by.

Aaron slammed his door, taking a moment to stop. And wait, the footsteps seemed to grow quieter. Aaron turned, being met with a group of dead bodies. Or, near enough dead people. Scratches, burn marks, and bruises littered them. On the wall, just like Rebecca's, we're the words "Inhuman holding #10".

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