Among Us Hide...

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Dr Andrew Garner was, as far as Rebecca knew, a lucky son of a bitch. He had been wheeled in, being brought in by Melinda May of all people.

Rebecca had questions, but those had nothing compared to what was mainly the concern right now.

"Is he ok?" She asked, following after May.

"Does he look ok?!" May barked. May had been many things, but this angry and emotional was not one of those things. Her even adopting that tone was something the Sitwell had never expected. Her eyes widened as she took a step back.

Coulson had passed the girl without a word, but she stayed, watching while biting her nails as she watched the doctors of SHIELD or...well, maybe not SHIELD. Either way, doctors do their job and try and keep the man alive.

The door was open, and May had spoken. Again, it was full of emotion, just one that was more repressed than her outburst moments ago, "Andrew, what happened?" Was the question May asked.

Coulson looked at May when she spoke, but he looked over her shoulder at Rebecca, who was still outside. Coulson waved her in. She entered, silently, moving in between the two older agents, listening in for Andrew's anecdote.

The man gave it, "I went to the store. I...I had a headache. I needed something. One of my students was there. Was, uh...transfer student. He only started a few weeks ago. He had two men with him, Aaron was a potential third, but he walked out before it all went down, I don't think he was involved." The mention of the boy made Rebecca curl her hand into a fist, trying to not divert the conversation. It didn't, however, do wonders for her mind, with it spinning theories and ideas despite only having learned of it a second ago.

The wonders of the mind, she supposed.

"You know, my experience is limited, but I'd say they were professionals." Andrew continued to explain.

"It was HYDRA." Coulson stated, bluntly, "But, then why was Aaron there?" He didn't know why he asked it out loud. Maybe it was to almost try and destroy the notion in his mind as to why the boy was there, about how it all linked together.

He desperately wanted it to not be true, but the evidence was mounting.

"Don't know why they'd be after me." Andrew admitted.

"I do." May said.

Coulson looked at his friend, "May, this isn't your fault."

May just shook her head, moving closer to her ex husband, "How'd you survive?"

"Phil," That was not the answer she was suspecting, "He had a SHIELD Agent tailing me. The man saved my life. He gave me time to find cover, and he must've caught Alex off guard because nothing went exactly as planned. The kid had a lighter. I barely made it to the door. The blast must've thrown me clear. The next thing I remember, you were there, picking me up," Andrew sighed before he continued, "I'm lucky. Can't see how anyone would've survived that. Now, I know Alex is trouble, but I'm not sorry he's gone. Ward would've made him finish the job....What if Ward –"

"He won't." May promised him. She knew it was a double edged question, two in one.

"You're safe now. We got you. We'll let the doctor work on you. You need to get some rest." Coulson assured his other friend, before following May out.

"Rebecca, I'm sorry that I –" Andrew started to apologise, but Rebecca shook her head.

"It's ok, Doc. It's not your fault," She said, holding his hand, "Get some rest, ok? We'll sort this out." She swore to him, before leaving the room, trying to not have more tears pool her eyes.

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