Chapter 2

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(Just an FYI I don't remember how Aloy fell into the old ones bunker, but I'm gonna assume that she just fell into the hole. Which I think is what happens anyways, but I'm just letting you all know. I have terrible memory.)

TimeSkip- Morning


Aloy, Rost, and I are walking in the Nora wilderness. We were scanning around making sure machines wouldn't attack us from no where. As Aloy was less careful, and some how manage to fall into a hole.

Rost/Y/n: Aloy!

As the two of us run over, and look down in the hole.

Rost: Aloy!

Y/n: Aloy! Say something!

Rost: Damn it.

Y/n: I'm heading down there.

Rost: No your not.

Y/n: I'm the only one who can fit in that hole Mr.Rost. Please. Let me go in and check to see if she's okay.

Rost was thinking, but then sighed.

Rost: Fine, but be careful ya hear me.

Y/n nodded before lowering himself into said hole.

As I entered I saw Aloy laying down.

Y/n: I found her! She seems alright.

Rost sighed. Even though I couldn't hear nor see him.

Y/n: Sprained ankle, but that's it.

I picked her up, and started carrying her bridal style sense it was currently easier.

After a few more minutes she stirred awake. Looking around.

Y/n: Hey sleepy head.

She looked up at me with a slight blush. As she tried to get out of my arms.

Y/n: Hey you sprained your ankle.

Aloy: So that's why it hurts.

As she then stood up, but wrapped an arm around my neck in order to stand up on one foot.

Aloy: Let's get out of here.

Y/n nodded before walking further into the bunker. They got as far as they could before a locked door? Stopped them.

Aloy: There has to be a way to open that.

Y/n: Maybe. Let's look around.

As Aloy stood there against one of the walls. I looked around seeing a skeleton sitting there.

Y/n: Yikes.... Huh? What's this?

Aloy: What's what?

Y/n: There's a metal object on the temple of this skeleton's head.

Aloy: Okayyy?

I grabbed it before walking over to Aloy. Who grabbed it, and looked at me.

Y/n: I got your back. Whatever that is.

She nodded before putting it on her temple scaring her literally. After some time it started working I assume.

Aloy: It's working?

Y/n: Really? Okay I'll grab one as well.

Aloy: Be careful it's scary putting it on.

I looked around, and found a man sitting on a chair? I walked over seeing that he also had a metallic object on his temple. I grabbed it.

Putting it on all I saw were weird lights on the walls, and everything.

Y/n: Wow....

I looked closer at the person I just took the "thing" from seeing that he had a torn up white clothing on him with more metal like objects on his shirt.

Y/n: What are these?

I grabbed them, but they wouldn't come off. I kept tugging until his shirt came off, and his skeleton rib cage hit the floor.

Y/n: Whoops.... Uhhh... Sorry? Skeleton man. Or woman.

I looked at the metal like objects again, and found out that there was a pin in the back of them so I started undoing the pins in order to take the metal like objects.

Y/n: You won't need these..... Hopefully....

I looked over at Aloy who was now walking a lot better than before.

Aloy: Y/n come look at this.

I walked over, and saw Aloy by the door that kept us from moving forward. She looked at the light on said door before moving her hand, and "unlocking" the door. It opens up almost instantly.

Y/n: Whoa.... How'd you do that?

Aloy: I just did? I don't know sorta felt "normal"?

Y/n: Hmm.... Let's tread carefully we don't know what's in store for us.

Aloy nodded, and walked beside me carefully.

After some time we were able to get out of the bunker, and I kept the word metal objects in my pocket so I could research them carefully.

Rost: Aloy?!

Rost ran over, and picked up Aloy. Sighing that she was safe, and he looked over to see Y/n looking to the side.

Rost: Aloy. Can you give us some time?

Aloy: Sure thing.

Aloy walked some distance away, as Rost looked at me.

Rost: Thank you for going in there young man.

Y/n: Oh?! Uhh... It was nothing! That's what friends are for, right?!

I nervously chuckled. Never have I ever been complimented like this before.

Rost chuckles at my response before walking back to Aloy.

Rost: Right. So shall we go hunting?

We nodded ready for what was ahead in store for us now.

We went to one of the machine sites nearby, and saw plenty of them. A teenager was trying to parkour the terrain before slipping, and falling.

Y/n: Owch.. That looked like it hurted.

Rost: The thing is now we can't go in there. It's dangerous machines are all around him.

Aloy: I can see where there walking.

Y/n looked confused until he saw what she was doing, and nodded before doing the same thing she did.

Y/n: I see them to.

Rost: What are you two using?

Aloy: I'm going in.

She carefully leapt off the side of the hill we were on that over looked the machine site where the teenager fell.

Rost in a hushed yell voice tried to get Aloy to come back. Which had no effect.

Y/n: Mr.Rost I think we should see what she's thinking.

Rost looked over before sighing, and allowing Aloy to stealth fully get to said teenager, and eventually directing him back.

Rost, and I both sighed in relief before Rost was well... Rost, and that's when the strict father side came out again.

Y/n: Mr.Rost I'm gonna head back home. It was an eventful day....

Rost sighed before understanding, and after his outburst he helped me get home. Before he went his way home with Aloy right behind him.


Sorry if it wasn't exactly like it was in the game. I tried to replicate the same feeling, but I had to make sure Y/n was down in the Bunker to in order to get a Focus. Alright I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Hoped you enjoyed. Peace!

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