For The Last Time, Farewell, My Love.

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For a long time, Athanasia worried over Claude's well-being. To her, it seemed like her father was asleep for an eternity.

To Claude, the time he spent with Diana seemed like just a speck in the universe. He and Diana spent time happily together in his headspace. Spending time with Diana reminds Claude of their youthful days. 

Diana asked Claude a lot of things regarding the present. But, most questions surround one individual. "How tall is our daughter?" "What's Athanasia's favorite food?" "Has she made many friends outside of the palace?" "Is her mana controlled?" "What does she enjoy learning about?" "What are her hobbies?" She asked him many questions about Athanasia. 

Claude could only chuckle and reply graciously. "Athy likes learning how to use mana, and she enjoys eating sweets." Upon hearing this, Diana smiled sadly at Claude. 

"Athy... Is that her nickname?" She asked him. 

It dawned upon Claude that Diana doesn't even know what their daughter's nickname was. Even though she appeared countless times in front of Claude, she never had the chance to visit Athy, as her promise was made to Claude only. Claude felt that Diana was robbed of the opportunity to watch Athy grow up, but he had no one to blame for it. Such a cruel twist of fate ultimately led to the death of Diana. There was nothing that could be done to prevent it. 

"Yes, that's what she likes to go by." Claude warmly said. He wanted to tell Diana everything about Athy. He wanted to make up for all the times Diana could've been spending with their daughter. 

For the rest of his time with Diana, he told Diana everything he knew about Athanasia, and all of the remarkable moments they shared. Diana smiled and laughed at what Claude had to say. 

The couple spent a really, really happy time together. For a long time, Claude stayed with Diana.

One day, Diana reported that she sensed that Athanasia was coming to Claude's headspace to rescue him from the dark spell placed upon him. 

Claude was concerned that Athanasia was going through such great lengths to rescue him, but he felt touched at the same time. Diana then spoke first. 

"I'm going to go get her, like how I got you." She declared. "Then, I'll guide her to the source of the dark spell. Once she dispells that, I'll leave." 

Claude looked up at her, confused. "You'll leave?" He asked. "Why are you leaving?" 

"Claude, we are in your  mind right now. I am just a partial piece of my soul who stayed behind to watch over you. I have fulfilled my promise to you. I am sure that once I leave, you will be ready to let go of me." She said. "You'll be fine, right?" 

Diana looked at Claude with loving eyes. Claude took in her face as much as he could. Long, wavy golden hair. Bright purple eyes that reminded him of the twilight sky. Light skin that would blush pink. Pale red lips that would arch into a cheeky smile. Yes, he already etched the image of her into his heart. In the time he spent with Diana, he realized that he was going to be okay without her. 

It has been 16 years since she died. It was time for Claude to move on. 

"Yes," Claude smiled a cheeky smile, similar to that of Diana's. "I'll be fine." 

Diana ecstatically embraced her lover into her arms. She was so proud of her emperor. 

"Our daughter is coming any second now." She whispered. "After this, I won't see you again in this form. I'll reincarnate, but please don't forget about my love for you, my majesty." She said sweetly. 

"I won't ever forget about you!" Claude cried. "And you'll always be loved, Diana. My lady, Diana." 

Claude kissed her for the final time. It was their goodbye kiss. As the two parted, Diana looked back behind her. She looked happier than ever. 

"I'm so excited to see our daughter!" She exclaimed. "For the last time, farewell, my love!" She laughed cheerfully.

Claude laughed too. "Farewell, my love." 

Diana turned and started to run towards their daughter, who was in the process of reaching the source of Claude's dark magic spell. The scene reminded Claude of watching Diana sprint across the hills of Siodonna and dance through the gardens of the palace. 

They were such beautiful memories of the past. Claude won't ever let go of them, for as long as he lives. He will always remember how he loved Diana. 


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