Chapter 2

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  I’m startled awake by the sound of movement coming from the clothes store. I bolt up and gather my pack, creeping towards the little window in the door.

   I peek my head up trying to catch a glimpse of what could be happening in the lobby. Those fucking dead things probably broke through damn it. I huff as I try to catch a glimpse then suddenly I see an asian boy walking through the lobby straight towards the front counter. Shit, I think to myself, why of all places did they come here a fucking clothing store.

   I duck down and try to make a plan on how I'm going to get out of here. I lean against the door as my hands grip my hair as I try to think of a plan to get out of this. You can’t trust people nowadays. The best thing to do is to avoid them and play it safe.

   As I struggle to find a plan to get out of this the door behind me suddenly falls open and I fall flat on my back. Shit, this isn’t good, I open my eyes and peek up at the culprit that had ruined my hiding spot. It’s the asian boy. I stare up at him not sure what to do and if he is going to make the first move or not. He stares down at me and for an awkward moment we just stare at each other. 

  Silence, neither of us saying anything as we were both stunned at this current moment. Suddenly, I realize this may be my only opportunity to make a break for it.

  I jump up startlingly the stranger as he jumps back and I make a run for it. I scramble up the stairs making sure I have my pack with me and make my way up, the only option I have. The stranger realizing what I’m doing chases after me. “WAIT,” he yells, I don’t listen, I'm not chancing my life again with a stranger.

  As I near the top only steps away from the door, I feel him grab a hold of my hood. Shit, I think to myself, as I’m yanked back, gravity working against me as I tumble into the stranger and we both go falling down the stairs.

  We only fall down a few steps before we hit the landing, effectively knocking the air from both our lungs. I gasp, as I lay on my back trying to grasp air as my lungs beg for some relief. After a minute I’m finally able to get a full breath again, and I struggle to pull myself up. I finally am able to pull myself as I lean my back against the way still trying to catch my breath, man I really need to work out more.

   I glance over towards the stranger and realize he seems perfectly fine as he is just staring at me sitting on one of the steps looking down on me. Fuck, I lean my head against the wall as I close my eyes, accepting the fact I’m not gonna be able to escape.

We sit in silence for a minute before he decides to speak. “What’s your name,” the stranger asks. 

I sigh and lift my head off the wall and stare at him. I examine his face before I decide to answer, “Everleigh,” I respond. I pause a second before asking, “Who are you?” I lean my head back against the way still watching him in case he decides to make a move. I tilt my head slightly as I wait for him to answer. 

He waits a second and shifts in his spot as if he is nervous, “Glenn,” he responds. He looks around for a second before looking back to me and asks, “why’d you run?” 

I don’t respond for a minute, trying to think of a way to respond. I sigh, and straighten myself out before looking at him again. “You can’t tell who the good people are these days,” I responded finally. I look down as I start to fidget with my hands, a nervous habit I had picked up ever since I was young. I look back up at him as I wait for a form of response from him.

He stares at me for a minute and sighs, as he adjusts the baseball cap on his head. “The world really has gone to shit,” he says as he turns his head and stares at the wall. “First people from the dead come back and now we can’t even trust each other,” he huffs, as if he seems upset by this fact. He turns back to me and says,”We’re not all bad people.” 

I turn away from him as I bring my knees towards my chest and hold them close to me. I glance back towards him to find him staring off towards the other wall. Maybe not all people are bad just yet. I sigh as I look towards the ceiling trying to figure out what I'm going to do. 

Suddenly we hear a yell from the door "Glenn! You okay?" I stiffen up, there's more of them?! I place my hands on the ground and push myself into a standing position. I notice Glenn does the same as he stares me down as he acts cautious of my actions. 

I look towards him as the person by the door yells out for him again, "Glenn?" We continue to stare each other down, not sure of what our next will be. He sighs, and sticks his hand out. Confused, I just stared at him with a questioning look in my eye confused on his actions. 

"We have a camp. Women, kids, and were always looking to help out others. You can come with us." 

I pause, unsure on how to respond to his invitation. Was I really willing to risk my life in the hands of strangers again? I look back towards his hand as I gnaw on my bottom lip. I shift my eyes back to his eyes and back again. I sigh, as I make my decision.

"Fine," I say. I grab his hand and he leads me back down the steps towards whoever awaits us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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