Damsell In Distress

Start from the beginning

Rosemary had set up a tray of remedies and I told the current cook to give her my thanks. There were multiple kitchens throughout the castle on different floors. This was the only one on the west wing of the second floor.

When I returned to the room Mallory was kept in, I hesitated outside the door. I took a moment to leash my inner demons before I knocked and then entered without waiting for a reply.


I stared at the door. Then I stared at the glass on the floor. How had it worked? It hadn't been a light bulb that broke. I approached the door to examine the bottom of the lamp. It had no cord. But it did have a engraving.

Made by Alessandra Moore
Delivered to Chicanery Castle.
Property of the Prince of Fraud.

I sighed. The names meant nothing to me if I didn't know who they were.

I looked around me, wondering what to do. I could clean up the mess but who cared? I didn't want to stay here anymore than I wanted to be in a world like this. I reached for the door handle but my luck had run out. It was locked. Of course it was locked.

He locked it on his way out. Why had I said what I said? Why had he said what he said? Who was he? What was he? What was going on? How'd this happen to me?

All the uncertainty frustrated me to no end. I wanted to shout, have a tantrum, and beat my hands on the ground like a toddler. The questions that kept running through my mind were beginning to give me a headache.

Now that the man was gone I could fully focus on how much my body ached again. It felt as if I had to physically remind my heart to keep beating. The slow pace was disturbing compared to the thunderous beat it held mere minutes ago.

Screw the mess.

I groaned as I made my way slowly back over to the bed, laying down in defeat. I needed some painkillers.

I looked to the left side of the room. On the wall closest to the fireplace was a door. If I had to bet it would lead to the bathroom. Would there be painkillers in the bathroom?

I didn't have the energy to check. I placed my arm over my eyes in an attempt to block the odd sunlight pouring in from the window. I'd pull the blanket over my head if I didn't feel so hot.

The red sun was baking me through the window, and I wondered if the castle had air conditioning. There were no cars as far as I knew, the lamp didn't use electricity, when I glanced around I didn't see any outlets. Did that mean no air conditioning or fans?

I jerked up when a knock sounded and one of the doorknobs rattled. My vision went blurry with the sudden movement. When it situated itself out I found the suited man in the left doorway.

I wanted to tell him to get the hell out but naseaa stormed in my stomach. He watched me as he closed the door behind him, a tray with a variety of things on it.

As my heartbeat began to pick up again I felt myself become distracted from the pain.

"What's that?" I questioned, lowering my eyebrows.

"A few things to make you feel better." He replied to my relief.

"Oh." I couldn't help scooting away as he sat down on the side of the bed. Amusement lit in his eyes.

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