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Chapter 124

The guards in the courtyard were split into two groups. One side was the crown prince's men, the other was Jungkook's men.

Originally, Jungkook had not planned to bring Xie Lisa over, but he had changed his mind at the last minute to give Jeon Jimin a head on strike. He went to the front yard to meet the crown prince and relax Jeon Jimin's vigilance. Xie Lisa was escorted by Wu Bin to the backyard to find Jeon Lili, catching him off guard.

At the beginning, Xie Lisa had wandered around the backyard for a long time but she had no idea where Jeon Lili was sent to. She had been to the crown prince's residence a few times, so she remembered the general location of the residence. Maybe the mother and daughter were telepathically connected, so she finally found Jeon Lili, who was sleeping on the bed in Crown Princess's room. Crown Princess was being controlled by the guards and was already under their control.

At this point, it would be impossible not to cause a ruckus. If Jungkook gave in, what awaited him would be a hundred thousand feet deep abyss. Only by taking advantage of this opportunity to properly negotiate with Jeon Jimin would they have a way out.

Jungkook's hand that was holding onto the blade did not move, the room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard, he said: "I did not want to cause a ruckus like this with Second Brother, but it's a pity that Second Brother does not believe me, and only stopped after forcing me to a dead end."

Jeon Jimin sat on the teacher's chair, and looked up to meet his gaze. There was no longer the gentleness and elegance from before on his face, but instead, the curve of his lips was somewhat self-deprecating, "Ah Jungkook, do you know that was born in the imperial family?

Jungkook did not say a word, waiting for him to explain.

He calmly replied, "Either you die, or I live."

Brothers against each other, brothers against each other, this was an extremely common matter in the royal family. He thought he had done well enough, but in the end, he was defeated by his younger brother. He thought he was still that young man he brought back from outside the palace years ago. It was laughable to say that he had helped him get rid of his enemies, and in the end had become his greatest enemy, causing him to have difficulty sleeping and eating.

Jungkook made an "oh" sound, and was not moved at all, "Then today, should I or should second brother die?"

The Crown Prince's Palace was already surrounded by the people of the An Wang Lord. Jungkook had enough confidence and power to kill him with a single slash. If he did not appear during the enthronement ceremony the next day, then even if the ministers wanted to pursue the matter, they would be suppressed by Jungkook's men. At that time, it didn't matter how or when he would die. The important thing was that he would be a loser in the struggle for the throne.

Thinking of this, Jeon Jimin's back was covered in cold sweat.

He raised his eyes and looked outside the courtyard. He reckoned that his people had long since been under control. Otherwise, he wouldn't have stayed his hand when he was threatened by someone else. He closed his eyes and said, "It's because I'm not strong enough. Just kill me."

His expression was calm, unlike someone who was about to die, but instead had a kind of transcendent relief.

He had been the crown prince for more than ten years. Every day, he would live in the midst of scheming and scheming, afraid that someone would stab him in the back one day. He was truly exhausted. In the past, when he had fought with the First Prince and had lost his life, he started to suspect and doubt Jeon jungkook. Now that he thought about it, Jeon Jungkook had indeed never done anything that he would be suspicious of. Jeon Jungkook had always been very indifferent, and wasn't too passionate about imperial power. It was probably because he grew up within the people, and compared to power, he yearned to live a life together with a deer cart. Actually, it wasn't bad to be an ordinary couple with the one you love. At least you could at least have children that would walk around your knees and bear the weight of grandchildren ...

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