Epilogue- Three years later

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The sun shone down brightly on the Dream SMP, illuminating everything it touched in a golden aura. There were only a few clouds in the brilliant blue sky, and the air was the perfect temperature, not too hot, but not too cold either. It was certainly a beautiful golden hour. Yes, this day was practically perfect.

Below, on the Prime Path, two boys, Tommy and Tubbo, walked side by side, talking excitedly.

Well, not quite.

The two were walking at a quick pace down the path-not that they had anywhere to be-their hands flying through the air as they signed to each other excitedly in an avid, but nearly silent conversation.

It had taken Tommy nearly a year to learn ASL, at least enough to have a general conversation, but Tubbo had helped him every step of the way, eventually learning the language himself. It was a much easier way to talk compared to the cards Tommy had used years before, even if it took so long to learn.

And after three years, Tommy could make small facial expressions. His face was still usually stuck in that shocked expression, but he could now smile, smirk, and frown, to a small degree.

"Oh, I heard Phil and Tech wanted to see you again," Tubbo said, signing along with his words. He knew he didn't have to sign, as Tommy could still hear, but after learning sign language, he instinctively used ASL when he was talking to Tommy.

Really? When? Tommy signed back.

"Not sure, they didn't say. We could just turn up. Tech may not like it, but Phil won't mind. Plus, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Tommy nodded once Tubbo had finished signing. It had been a while since he had visited. For the last two and a half years, Phil and Techno had been helping Tommy relearn how to fight, since Techno thought Tommy should be able to defend himself after what happened with Dream. Tubbo was reluctant to agree, but once Phil had assured him that they would start small and be careful with Tommy, he eventually was on board with the plan, even if he didn't let him train until nearly six months after what had happened with Dream on the Prime Path.

It had been slow at first, and Tommy wasn't quite sure if he'd even be able to gain his fighting skills back. But after two and a half years of training, and a whole lot of patience, Tommy had relearned how to throw a punch, shoot a bow, swing a sword, and how to fight with an axe. Tubbo had even given Tommy a bow for one of his birthdays, and he carried it everywhere since he had received it.

That very bow hung from Tommy's back now, along with a full quiver of silver arrows. Although Tommy hoped he would never need to use it, it comforted him to feel the weight of that bow on his back, and to think that he could fight if he needed to.

When do you think we should go? Tommy signed.

"Whenever you want, Boss Man," Tubbo responded with a wink.

Cool. I'll think about it and let you know.

Ever since the two had both learned sign, there was really no "I" for Tommy anymore. Since his main way of communicating was ASL, and only Tubbo knew how to speak it, Tubbo tended to shadow Tommy wherever he went, acting as a translator. Tommy didn't really mind, it was nice to have a friend with him all the time, and to be understood.

"Poggers," Tubbo said, spelling out the word in sign. Unfortunately, the word "pog" didn't exist in sign language, so the two boys had found other ways to say it.

"Tommy!" The sudden yell was followed by the sound of someone running down the Prime Path, and the little yelp as the source of the voice nearly tripped over her own feet. Tubbo and Tommy turned and saw Puffy kneeling on the ground, retying the lace of her soft brown boots. Once the lace had been fixed, she exhaled aggressively, and stood back up to face Tommy.

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