Four- Tubbo

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Tommy continued to get better as time went on. After almost a month of Tubbo finding him for the first time, Tommy could get around on his own, get himself ready for bed,  feed himself, and could even give the faintest smile.

    After the whole knife incident, Tubbo hadn’t allowed Tommy to help him cook. Tommy wasn’t careful, and could end up hurting himself more, even if he couldn’t feel it. The wound had taken nearly a week to close up completely, and ran through a large amount of Tubbo’s bandages. 

    Tubbo dug through his first aid kit and sighed. When he had found Tommy, he had limited supplies, and now that almost a month had passed, all his medical supplies were nearly gone. Tubbo knew that he could get more at the Community House, but it wasn’t a journey he was planning on taking soon. He sighed, closed the kit, and walked into the kitchen where Tommy was sitting at the table. 

    “I’m gonna go to get some supplies. I’ll be back later. Are you alright here alone?” Tommy shuffled through his cards, and not seeming to find one he liked, he quickly jotted something down on a small sheet of paper, and showed it to Tubbo.

    Take me with you, it read. Tubbo bit his lip. He didn’t know if Tommy was ready to be around large groups of people. Knowing the people in town, he’d most likely be swarmed as soon as he set foot there. 

    Tommy seemed to notice this and wrote a second note.

    I’ll be okay. I need to get out of this house, Tubbo. Tubbo sighed. 

    “You have been here for a while, huh?” he started. “Fine. But we won’t talk to people unless we  need to.” Tommy’s lips curled into a tiny smile, causing Tubbo to grin a bit as well. “Okay, you big idiot, get ready. We leave in five.” 


    Tubbo glanced nervously at Tommy as they turned to walk down the Prime Path. They hadn’t seen anyone else around yet, but Tubbo knew that could change at any moment. Tubbo quickened his pace, trying to make it to the Community House as fast as possible. 

He heard Tommy stumble a little ways behind him and turned on his heel to check on him. His knees were bent slightly, and he was trembling a little. Tubbo walked towards him and wrapped an arm around his waist to help him stand up again. He felt Tommy reach behind him, and pulled out his notepad and pen to write a message.

Too fast, he had scribbled. Tubbo looked up at Tommy’s wide eyes. He sighed.

“Sorry, mate. I’ll slow down.” Tommy nodded and gave one of his tiny smiles. Tubbo smiled back and removed his arm from Tommy’s waist. He started forward again, this time taking a more leisurely pace, even though he wanted to sprint as quickly as he could to the Community House. Tommy’s strides were small and unsure, and although Tubbo knew that Tommy had walked this path millions of times, he looked lost. Like he didn’t know where he was. Tubbo felt tears pushing against his eyes, but pushed them back. He didn’t have time to cry now. He had to get to the Community House, get supplies, and get back to Snowchester. Maybe when he got home he could-

“Tommy? Tubbo?” Tubbo stopped mid-step. He slowly turned around to face an insanely shocked Quackity. 

“Heyyyy, Big Q,” Tubbo said nervously.

“Is that Tommy? What the fuck happened to him?” 

“That’s uh-” he glanced at Tommy, who had also turned to look at Quackity. “That’s a really long story.” Quackity crossed his arms.

“I’ve got time,” he said, still in shock. 

“I uh-” Tubbo didn’t know what to say. This is exactly what he had wanted to avoid. 

He felt a tap at his shoulder, and moved to look at Tommy. He was holding up a piece of paper that read; Tell him. Please. Tubbo sighed and ran a hand through his hair before giving Quackity a very quick and very brief relay of what had happened. Quackity’s eyes slowly widened with each new detail, and every time Tubbo thought they couldn’t get bigger, they did. 

“What the fuck,” he said when Tubbo had finished. “Dream fucking did this?” Tubbo nodded. “Why?” Tubbo didn’t get to answer before Quackity started talking again. “He’s a fucking psychopath. Why would he fucking do this?” 

Tubbo opened his mouth to speak, then immediately closed it when Quackity interrupted him yet again. 

“Tommy, why didn’t you tell someone you were leaving, we’ve all been worried about you, we thought you were dead, we thought-”

“Quackity,” Tubbo said, interrupting Quackity this time. “Tommy’s been through a great deal. This could’ve been avoided easily if someone had gone with him.”

“How was I supposed to know he left?” Quackity argued. 

“It’s quite hard to not realize he’s gone,” Tubbo snapped back. “You could hear him from halfway across the world!” 

“Then why didn’t you help?”

“Do you know how far away I live? You live so close to him!” 

“Well I-” Tommy stepped between Tubbo and Quackity, breaking off the argument. Tubbo had forgotten he was there. Usually when there was a fight, Tommy was the one who caused it. And usually, it would be Tubbo in Tommy’s position, trying to keep the peace. 

Tommy stood in front of Quackity and handed him a note. Quackity read it and nodded. 

“You’re right. I’m sorry, Tommy.” Tommy nodded and took the note from Quackity before walking over to Tubbo and handing it to him. 

Stop fighting. It just makes everything worse, it read. Tubbo looked up at Tommy, his eyes burning from the tears he was trying to hold back. 

“I never thought TommyInnit would be the one who kept me from a fight,” he choked out. “I think this is the smartest thing you’ve ever said.” Quackity laughed and Tommy gave his tiny smile. Even Tubbo felt a small smile form on his face. Although Tommy’s smile didn’t, and probably never would, reach his eyes, Tubbo knew that Tommy was getting better. 

Quackity walked over to Tommy and placed a hand on his arm. 

“Tommy, if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. After what Tubbo said, I do feel like this is partially my fault.” Tommy nodded at Quackity, and although there was no emotion in the movement, Tubbo could tell he was grateful for Quackity’s offer. 

Tommy looked at Quackity for a moment longer, then turned to Tubbo. 

“You ready to leave?” he asked. Tommy nodded. “Alright. Let’s get our stuff and go home.”

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