Six- Tommy

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After what happened on the Prime Path, Tommy felt even more useless than he had a few days before. Tubbo had somehow sensed this, and assured Tommy that he had done the right thing, but Tommy wasn’t sure. He knew that taking that step away from Wilbur would have an effect on him, but he couldn’t have even dreamed how Wilbur reacted. And although it had occurred days ago, Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about it. 

“You alright?” Tubbo asked, looking at his friend with concern. The two had just finished breakfast, and were sitting at the table in silence. Not that Tommy could talk much anyway. “You haven’t moved for a good five minutes.” Tommy looked up at Tubbo and nodded. Tubbo raised an eyebrow, obviously doubting Tommy’s quick response. Tommy sighed and quickly looked through his cards before grabbing one and showing it to Tubbo. The one he picked was the same one he had used when he cut his arm, the one that read I’m okay, with the small smiley face drawn under it. Tubbo sighed again, running a hand through his hair. 

“You’re still thinking about it?” Tommy hesitated a moment before nodding.

“That wasn’t your fault Tommy. You heard what Wilbur said before he broke down. He blamed you, said it was your fault this happened. And Wilbur’s been through a lot worse. He’ll be alright.” Tommy moved through his cards again, and, not finding one he liked, quickly wrote down; are you sure? 

Tubbo read the note quickly and glanced back up at Tommy when he finished. 

“He’ll be okay,” Tubbo said again. “It’s Wilbur. He’ll be fine.” Tommy nodded again, but his mind was still on Wilbur. 

“Anyway, I’ve got to do some farming. Gotta get food somehow,” Tubbo said, standing. “And no, you can’t help,” Tubbo said before Tommy could even reach for his pen. “You’re careless right now Tommy. You hurt yourself, and I know you can’t feel it, but I can. So please, just-” he took a deep breath. “Just sit this one out, okay?” Tommy sat still for a moment before giving a reluctant nod. Tubbo was right. He had been careless. The knife incident explained that well enough. Tubbo smiled warmly at Tommy.

“It shouldn’t take too long. I promise I’ll go as fast as I can,” he said. Tommy slowly nodded. “Hey, it’s alright. You can still help me with other things that don’t involve sharp objects like knives or hoes,” Tubbo added, walking around the table and placing a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “Just wait in the house, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Tommy nodded, and watched as Tubbo smiled, turned away from him, grabbed his jacket, and walked out the door. 

For a few seconds Tommy sat still, unmoving. Then, with a sudden motivation, Tommy stood and wandered to the back door of Tubbo’s house, opened it, and walked outside into the cold.


    Tommy knew his body was cold, but he didn’t feel it, nor did he care. He had been walking through the snow for a good while, and snowflakes clung to his hair and eyelashes, making his vision blurry. But he continued walking, pushing himself forward. He knew he was close to his destination, that it was only a little further-

    He reached the top of the hill he was climbing and finally saw it. Two small houses, conjoined by a small bridge. Tommy began stumbling down the hill, making his way toward the houses. The wind was pushing against him, but it was weak enough for Tommy to push through and reach the door of the first house. He grabbed the knob and pushed the door open, entering the house. Tommy’s teeth were chattering, but he didn’t feel the cold that had to be overtaking his body. 

    “What the fuck?” someone asked. Tommy slowly turned his head, and his eyes landed on two people, who seemed to have been having a conversation before he had arrived. Tommy didn’t move, still staring at the two. 

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