Chapter 12

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3rd person's POV
"Is this a joke? Me and Sasha aren't dating!" Marcy said confused.

Anne stared at her with a baffled expression.

"Wait, what?"

Marcy looked at Anne with uncertainty before saying. "Are you not... joking?"

"No! Why would I joke about you two dating?! I thought you guys were actually like with each other!" She said.

Marcy let out a small laugh before shaking her head.

"No, we're not. What gave you that impression anyways?"

Silence followed after that question because Anne was too embarrassed to answer it, but her long pause made Marcy nervous.

The more silence passed, the more Marcy's mind wandered.

Does she know about me and Sasha almost kissing? But I don't like Sasha so it's fine! Right?

Marcy was brought back to reality when Anne sighed.

"I-I'm really confused right now, I was so sure you and Sasha were a couple? Just because of how you acted-" She said but Marcy cut her off.

"How do we act?!" She said confused.

"I- well- it's hard to explain."

"Anyways, my suspicions were confirmed when someone told me that you guys were dating..."

Marcy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she frowned.

"Who told you that? Wait- was it that girl? She probably likes yo-" Marcy said, letting her jealousy get to her, but before she could finish her sentence, the other girl cut her off.

"No! Mia didn't tell me that- I- um, this random frog told me..."

It went quiet again as Marcy stifled a laugh that made Anne flush red in embarrassment.

"You-you really believed a stranger about that? What'd he say to convince you that?" She said, holding in her laughs.

Anne avoided her eyes before saying. "Well, he said you guys were holding hands-"

"Anne, friends can hold hands, and we also hold hands! All three of us do!"

Anne felt a little relieved at the first part, and a little upset at the second part since Marcy was indirectly friend-zoning her.

She brushed that aside and said. "Well, you didn't let me finish! He also said you guys were close, like very close."

The raven-haired girl sighed and shook her head.

"Well, we aren't dating, and we were just holding hands! I think he might've seen me when, like, Sasha had brushed my hair back, but that's all she did!"

Anne chuckled and said. "Yeah, I believe you."

They smiled at each other slightly but Marcy's smile faltered once she realized how much trust Anne had in her, which only made her feel more guilty about the Sasha incident.

"Um... There's actually something I have to tell you."

Anne raised an eyebrow but said. "Shoot."

"Uh... me and Sasha almost kissed."

To be continued...

Rumors Fly And So Does Jealousy (Marcanne)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن