"You're her brother,"

"That makes no difference," he shrugs. "I don't care,"

"Is that all you came to ask me?"

"No," he shakes his head. "If she can date Zayn, then...I can date you," he takes one of my hands, holding it in his hands, rubbing it with his thumbs. "Because if she can date my best friend, then I can date hers,"

He's actually put thought into this, I didn't even realise that. I look into his forest green eyes I so miss and sigh. "Harry," I shake my head. "Just because it's what she's doing doesn't mean it has to go both ways,"

"Lex...just think about it," he whispers. "I miss you, you miss me, you're not even friends with Gemma anymore so it's not like you're breaking the rules,"

I then look at him again. He's right, we aren't friends and if that's the case then I can get back with Harry because I'm not friends with Gemma. Like he said, she's dating his best friend, why can't he date hers? When did Gemma decide who I can and can't date?

"You're thinking about it," he whispers, making me look at him. "You know I'm right,"

I just look down.


He suddenly takes his hoodie off and my eyes meet with red inflamed skin, he peels of the plastic wrap and reveals a brand new, fresh tattoo.

Won't Stop 'Till We Surrender.

He once said that to me, when we were together. And I thought he was joking when he said he wanted it as a tattoo. "I won't stop..." he shakes his head, putting the plastic wrap over it again. "You know I'm right, Gemma can't control us," he takes both of my hands and pulls me closer.

I look up at him towering over me. "I miss you so much baby, I know I've been a wreck but I'm done with drugs for good, I promise," he holds his pinky out.

A promise?

I would love to be his girlfriend again, and even though he's right about Gemma, I wouldn't want to break her heart again. "Gem—"

"Say her name one more time and I'm going to lose it," he drops his hand, suddenly getting annoyed. "She's selfish, she doesn't care about you, she just wants what she wants and I don't want her to control us anymore,"

I don't say anything, I was still processing everything.

"I know it's hard to take in but I love you so much, I've tried to stop but I can't," he shakes his head, my lips parted for breathing. "So...can we get back together?"

I swallow, his hands tightening around mine.

This was a bad idea but I was so pulled into the idea of getting back together with him, I would do anything to get with him, he and so both know it. I can't do anything to get Gemma back if she's not willing to try, I'm not breaking the rules because he's right, we aren't friends. That's her decision and this is mine.

I nod, his eyes light up instantly. "Okay," I whisper, smiling. He pulls me in for a hug and I was gentle because of his arm, smiling. He breathe out slowly, squeezing me.

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