Chapter 19: Injuries and Rewards

Start from the beginning

"Not this time," she mused. She reached into the inner pocket of her robes and pulled out a vial of turquoise-coloured potion.

"What's that?" asked Kenneth.
Penny pulled out the cork and drank its entire contents in a single gulp. She then clasped his hand again, her fingers intertwining with his. Kenneth tried to pull away, but her grip was like a vice.

"Strengthening Solution," she said. "It gives the drinker immense strength. I made it for extra credit. We're not supposed to learn it until second year."

"If you keep this up, and I'm coming to learn Potions from you instead of Snape," Kenneth joked.
Penny merely giggled.

"You won't have to worry about crushing me this time."

"Do you have another for Rowan?"

"Yes!" she said. She reached into her pocket, but Rowan stopped her.

"I'll be alright, Penny," said Rowan. "But thanks, anyway."

"Rowan," said Penny uncertain, "you sure? He's quite strong."

"I know. He beat me in an arm wrestling match once. I'll be fine."

"You all ready?" interrupted Pomfrey.

"No, but go ahead," answered Kenneth.

"Before I do," Madam Pomfrey said, handing him a smooth piece of wood, "bite down on this. Hard. Wouldn't want to wake up the castle with you screaming."
Kenneth groaned at her statement as he took the piece of wood and placed it in between his teeth. He stared at Rowan and Penny, and nodded to them that he was ready. He then nodded at Pomfrey to proceed. She placed the damp cloth on Kenneth's chest and began rubbing the area in a circular formation. He immediately felt his skin burn and sizzle as though someone had placed a white-hot iron on his chest. A hissing sound could be heard, and steam was emanating from the area she rubbed. Kenneth's eyes watered with pain as he let out a muffled roar, while he bit down hard on the piece of wood. He immediately squeezed Penny's hand hard. Penny neither flinched nor react. With his other hand, grabbed Rowan's arm hard. Rowan wasn't as lucky, as his eyes began to water with pain behind his glasses. With the inclusion of renewed pain coming from his broken clavicle, Kenneth never before felt so much pain in his life. After a few minutes, Madam Pomfrey removed the cloth and tapped his chest with her wand.

"Finished," she said. "You took it better than I thought."

Kenneth, breathing heavily, stopped squeezing Penny and Rowan, and relaxed his sore jaw from biting down so hard. He then stared at his bare chest. The scratches were all sealed, red and now more pronounced than ever. Greyback had left behind four pronouncing claw marks that stretched diagonally from his left breast, down to the end of his right-side ribs. Madam Pomfrey applied bandages to keep the scratches from opening, and applied a sling for his arm.

"Now, to see you two," Madam Pomfrey said, addressing Rowan and Penny. After a quick examination, it turned out that neither of them were injured.

"Because it's late and passed curfew, you two will have to sleep here tonight. Find a bed and make yourselves comfortable. To recover better, Russell, I'm afraid I will have to double the dosage of your Sleeping Draught."

Madam Pomfrey gave both Rowan and Penny a pair of pyjamas and a nightgown, did as they were told — picked a bed on either side of Kenneth. Neither wanted to be far away from him. After giving each a vial of Sleeping Draught, Madam Pomfrey took her leave. After wishing each other a good night, Kenneth drank his potion, and he fell asleep in seconds.

* * *

Whispers and chatter came to Kenneth's ears the following day. As he opened his tired eyes from his long sleep, his blurred vision made out familiar shapes sitting by his bedside. The sunlight emanating from the castle's windows was beginning to go dim. Next to him was a table with what looked like half the sweet shop. Odd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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