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The national security personnel directly took Lilith and others down.

After a while, Lin and others also discovered that the small black box recovered was a fake. They also learned that well-trained national security personnel had swarmed around the villa area and rushed to the scene immediately.

Lin saw the small black box in the hands of the national security personnel, and he immediately stopped shouting: "That is our lost property, you can't take it away casually!"

Shi Zhuoqu: "Thank you for helping us recover the robbed property, but you are holding Monderson's collection."

The captain who carried the small black box was neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry, the two may have some misunderstandings. We are not here to deal with the theft, but to catch foreign spies who endanger national security."

"The contents of the box need to be investigated. I am not sure what it is for the time being."

If the incident is attributed to an ordinary theft, the Monderson Group only needs to recover it before Lilith and others arrive at the consulate, then everything is still under control.

However, the incident was classified as a spy, and a powerful official agency had to stop. This is not a problem that the public and ordinary police can solve.

At this point, Lin couldn't know how to be put together, the police could not come so fast, let alone the national security personnel, this must be the first step to report, I am afraid that is waiting for Lilith to take action.

"You are a joint establishment!" Lin looked at Chu Qianli and the others. He looked at the national security personnel again and said angrily, "I will let the consulate come forward. I suspect that you abuse your power and embezzle other people's property through this improper method!"

Chu Qianli was full of innocence, and defended: "What is the setting? You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

"You belong to them! You already have a special background!"

Chu Qianli was surprised: "You are too dear to me, but I want to enter Guoan, and Guoan doesn't want me either."

Talking about Muxing: "Guo'an is going to be tested."

The team leader encouraged: "Little students study hard, we will have the opportunity to work together."

Chu Qianli: "We are the people's spontaneous patriotic behavior, and everyone is responsible for safeguarding national security!"

Lin: "..."

Everyone, you say a word to me, and you don't recognize Lin's words anyway.

The team leader said that they received reports from enthusiastic citizens and followed the formal procedures. Chu Qianli and others claimed that they were acting bravely and simply felt that they could not deal with spies. Anyway, the two sides absolutely did not collude with each other to embezzle Monderson's property.

The most outrageous thing is that Lilith and others also made confusing speeches. They said that Lin and others lost the fake box. As for the current real box, it has nothing to do with Monderson. They believe that the Chinese national security personnel caught the wrong person and asked to contact the consulate of country A, and they had to return the real box to country A.

The three parties fell into a confrontation, and the remarks were like "Rashomon"!

Captain: "It seems that this matter does have to be investigated. Then we will temporarily keep the box according to the process."

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