Although it was not enough for her, her work efficiency has risen sharply, which naturally surprised her.

Talking about Twilight Star for a moment, he speculated: "Because it used to grow linearly, now it has grown exponentially?"

Chu Qianli looked dumbfounded: "Exponential growth?"

"I don't understand your method, it's just a personal guess..." Tan Muxing said patiently, "The village has a long history, and after moving to a new location, it may exist for a long time, and it has developed well."

"I think you used to give people a fortune-telling, it was only to solve one thing, and the impact did not last so long? Whether it was for your classmates or Uncle He, it was only a solution to the problems at the time, but the relocation of the village will affect the whole village. It's a huge turning point, and it may also affect the newly built Shaman Folk Village."

Even though the two had helped report construction in Yinlong Mountain, in the final analysis, just by assisting, the people in their own village have the ability to respond, and the influence is naturally not as great as the relocation of Shaman Village.

Good karma is not effective when you say that you help others. It has an extremely complicated calculation process, and it is far more useful to solve the root cause than to donate money.

Chu Qianli suddenly realized: "I see, what you mean is that the better and longer the village develops in the future, the more I will gain, which is different from the previous short-term."

Tan Muxing smiled and said: "Yes, maybe Grandma Saren will always remember them, just like they remember the shaman before."

Karma is extremely mysterious, Chu Qianli did not collect any compensation from the village, but they exchanged other unspeakable things in the dark to achieve a win-win situation.

Chu Qianli did not expect that there would be additional benefits for helping to relocate. She just felt ashamed when she was respected by the villagers, and subconsciously wanted to repay it, but instead contributed to an unexpected completion.

The two were still chatting with Pan Yicheng about the matter while flying.

"It is possible that some religions say that to accumulate virtue does not need to be seen by others, and to do good is to be known by nature. The so-called non-reporting of good and evil is only to see the surface and only understand the immediate cause and effect. On the contrary, this kind of misconduct often has great effects. "Pan Yicheng thought, "I used to think you were not enough, but how to calculate the accumulation is also a problem."

People are not as good as heaven. The more people calculate cause and effect, the less they can be.

Chu Qianli: "So, if I finish the project, maybe the energy quality will really change?"

Pan Yicheng smiled and hinted: "The young students must continue to work hard and work hard. You see that you help the most when the village is relocated. Maybe it has something to do with the proportion of output."

"..." Tan Mu Xing always felt that the professor's exploiting methods were pervasive.

Pan Yicheng: "That's right, you guys are still looking for the same thing as the compass. Last time I asked the trustee, I found out that one of you should have called the ringer holder."


"Yes, it's a bell. I remember it was Man Ling holding it." Pan Yicheng stretched out his hand and recalled, "At the time, there seemed to be a little girl in the interview, but she left within a minute of coming in. I didn't follow her much. Let's talk, I have the impression that the surname is Mei, and I should have reacted at that moment."

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