Pan Yicheng casually said: "Go busy."

"Don't they have a good relationship with the village? I heard Batu say that they are particularly popular." Zhou Qu said casually. He was surprised that the two of them were absent for no reason, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the familiar faces of the people in the village.

The scene is divided into two parties, one is a villager in folk costumes, and the other is a local leader and staff in formal clothes. Tradition and modernity gather here to witness the departure of the village.

However, the villagers on the opposite side mixed in with two outsiders. Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing wore distinctive and brightly colored costumes, and they were able to mix in with ease!

Zhou Qu said in surprise: "That's not..."

Pan Yicheng pretended not to know, he glanced around with a calm expression, and asked, "What?"

Zhou Qu: "Why are they standing there!?"

Pan Yicheng calmly said: "Oh, don't you also say that they have a good relationship with the village and are particularly popular."

Zhou Qu: "?"

At this time, the local leaders took the lead to speak on stage, introducing the general situation of the future Shaman folk customs village, interrupting Zhou Qu's slightly messy thoughts.

After the leader's speech was over, the audience burst into applause, and then it was the ceremony.

Everyone participated in the ceremony outdoors, and the villagers moved out the charcoal fire and began the custom passed down through the ages.

Chu Qianli is wearing a shaman robe and wearing folk-custom colored ropes. She is not sure whether the method she learned is different from the traditional culture of the shaman village.

Chu Qianli glanced at the current celestial phenomenon, she calculated the time from the bottom of her heart, and then looked at Saren next to her.

Saren understood her heart. She threw the animal bones into the charcoal fire and waited for the bones to roast fine lines in the fire. It was an auspicious pattern.

Seeing this, the elderly lady showed a touch of emotion, saluted frequently and religiously, and beat the drum at her hand.

The dull drums awakened the crowd, and with enthusiastic cheers, the relocation ceremony officially began!

The dark-skinned aborigines put on their formal attire today, and they set off from the entrance of the village mightily, and will arrive in a long line to the nearby altar to parte with the homeland where countless ancestors are buried.

This is a special and solemn day, and the altar is open to everyone.

The other staff did not join the team, they walked scattered around, following the villagers to the altar.

Zhou Qu slowly followed. He looked at Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing at the beginning, and questioned: "Don't you feel that something is wrong?"

Pan Yicheng: "It's all right everywhere."

"They wear them like this, and they are walking ahead." Zhou Qu reached out his hand and gestured at the colored rope on his wrist, suspiciously, "Are you sure this didn't touch the red line?"

Zhou Qu didn't want to ask for trouble, so he could only imply implicitly, without saying that he looked like a priest.

Pan Yicheng smiled leisurely and said: "Students love to join in the fun, wear some local characteristic clothing, they wear some of their own clothes, I didn't watch the evening star make up every day in the car, what are you thinking about!"

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