Chapter 4

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It's been a month since mine and Sara's first date, and things have been going great. We've had a few breakfast dates after work, dinner before work and we've spent most of our nights off together, alternating between both our places. We've also spent a lot of time making out since our first date, but it hasn't gone any further than that. We both want more, that's crystal clear but I want us to go slow. I want to show Sara that I want more than just one night with her, that I'm in this for the long haul. I want her to know that what I feel for her is real and true.

The boys have noticed a change in our relationship, and even though none of them have said anything about it yet, I know it's coming. They've noticed how Sara and I always gravitate toward each other in the lab, how close we sit together on the break room couch. I've seen the smirks from Warrick, Nick and Greg so it's only a matter of time until one of them broaches the subject. I have a feeling that tonight may be that night, seeing as how Grissom has paired me with Nick and Warrick on a triple homicide downtown. Sara's stuck in the lab due to maxing out on overtime again. I give her a wink as I follow the guys out of the break room and to the parking lot.

"So, Cath." Warrick smirks at me from the driver's seat of the Denali. "Something you want to tell us?"

Sara and I have discussed the certain possibility of the guys questioning our changing relationship. We agreed that when the time came, we wouldn't hide our relationship from the team. I guess that time is now.

"What makes you think there's anything to tell?" I smirk back at him from the passenger's seat while Nick leans in between the seats from the back.

"Oh c'mon, Cath! We're trained investigators." Nick's smile is a mile wide, lighting up his handsome face. "We've seen the looks when you think no one is looking. You and Sara are getting along exceptionally well these days."

"Sara and I have been spending time together outside of work." I shrug my shoulders as I put on my seatbelt.

"We figured that much." Warrick glances at me as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Spill it."

"We've been out several times. Spent time together at either one of our places." I answer with a huge grin.

They both know what I'm alluding to. I've confided in both of them over the years about my feelings for Sara and she admitted to me about doing the same; more so with Nicky, given their brother/sister type relationship.

"It's about damn time!" Warrick slaps the steering wheel with a smile.

"Yeah, really." Nick agrees from between us with a nod. "Glad to see you both finally got your shit together."

"Well, it was hard when the whole lab was under the impression that Sara and Grissom had some secret love affair going on. I was starting to believe it myself." I huff from my seat.

"Aw, hell Catherine." Nick drawls, waving a hand in dismissal. "Sara's had a thing for you since the first time she walked into the lab. She only asked Grissom out because she needed a distraction from you."

"Nicky's right." Warrick looks at me when we stop at a red light. "Sara's been gone for you since the very beginning, same as you for her. You both were just too damn stubborn to admit it."

"Poor Greg's gonna be heartbroken." Nick snickers, then he waggles his eyebrows at me. "So, you kissed her yet?"

"Men." I sigh in mock annoyance, causing Warrick and Nicky to bust out laughing as we continue on to our scene.

We finally make it back to the lab several hours later. I leave Warrick and Nick to sort out the evidence bags as I go in search of a certain brunette. She sent me several texts during the night, complaining about how bored she was in the lab since all her cases were closed. I find her in her lab, looking through an old issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. I lean against the doorway, taking her in. She's wearing blue jeans and a tight, black long sleeve shirt. Even squinting at a magazine, she's gorgeous.

"You must be really bored if you're looking at Cosmo." I finally speak, pushing off the doorway and walking toward her.

"You have no idea." Sara looks up and gives me a grin that does things to me.

"Shift's over in a few hours." I say as I perch myself on the side of the table she's sitting at. "Wanna come over for breakfast?"

Sara looks at me with those big, brown eyes that make me want to give her the world. She's such a hard ass at work, but I've gotten to know the real Sara Sidle over the last month that we've been together. She's a huge sap. She loves to cuddle. She can eat her weight in Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. She has the most beautiful heart and soul of anyone I've ever met.

"That would be perfect." She gives me a bright smile.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I lean toward her and touch my lips to hers. We've been careful to control ourselves at work, but I can't help myself right now. I meant for it to be a chaste kiss but before I can pull away, Sara snakes an arm around my neck and pulls me in, running her tongue along the seam of my mouth. I open for her, and she immediately seeks out my tongue with hers. It doesn't take long before we're in a full blown make out session. I bury my hand in her dark hair, practically devouring her when I hear a throat clearing behind us. Breaking apart, I turn around to see Nick standing at the door.

"Figured I'd find you here." He smirks at us.

Sara looks between me and Nick questioningly. I smile at her and she immediately relaxes. Over the last month, Sara and I have developed our own silent communication. I've never had that with anyone, and it thrills me to no end.

"He and Warrick figured it out." I shrug as I smooth her hair down from where my fingers were in it moments earlier.

"I'm happy for you, little sis." Nicky nods at Sara before he looks back to me. "We've got evidence to process, Cath, whenever you're ready."

Nick grins at both of us before he turns and heads down the hallway. I turn to Sara, noticing her beaming smile. I like to think that I'm part of the reason for that smile. I step into her space, placing my hands on her hips.

"I'll see you later at my place, babe. Lindsey's at my sisters so it'll just be me and you." I give her a quick kiss.

"I can't wait." Sara whispers against my mouth before I pull away.

I finally turn and leave the room to go process my evidence. The end of shift cannot come soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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