Chapter 3

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It's six forty-five and I'm sitting in the parking lot of Sara's apartment complex. I swear I have never been this nervous in my life, not even when I stripped. I want everything to be perfect. I want this to be the start of something good between Sara and me. I finally climb out of my SUV and head toward her building, smoothing my dress as I go. I went with simple, dark blue dress and heels, nothing too over the top. The dress stops just above my knees and shows just enough cleavage to get the point across while still being decent. I run a hand through my hair, which I've left down and curled in waves.

I finally make it to Sara's door and take a deep breath before I raise my hand and knock. When she answers the door, I'm pretty sure my jaw hits the ground. This is not the Sara Sidle that I'm used to at work. She's wearing tight, black leather pants with a black V-neck shirt and black boots. God, she looks amazing.

"See something you like, Cath?" Sara smirks as she steps back to allow me entry into her apartment.

"Wow, Sara." I continue staring at her. "You look amazing."

"Thanks." She replies as she pulls on a black leather jacket. "You look great too, as usual."

We look at each other for what feels like an eternity. I have never seen anything sexier in my life than the sight of Sara Sidle before me in black leather. Add that to the million other fantasies I've had of her over the years. I know I'm ogling her like a horny teenager, but I can't help it. She looks like sex on legs.

"Ready to go?" I ask, finally able to form a coherent sentence.

"Sure." Sara gives me a shy smile before she closes and locks her door.

I drive us, heading to a restaurant away from the strip. I'm not worried about anyone we know seeing us, but I want this evening to be about just me and Sara. God knows I've waited long enough for this moment. I want her all to myself for a few hours. We finally arrive thirty minutes later, and I put the car into park. We both get out of the car and head inside the restaurant. I chose a quaint little Mexican place I've been to a few times with my sister. I know Sara is a vegetarian and I remember this place has a wide variety to choose from. Once we're seated in a quiet booth in the back, we place our drink orders with the waiter and look over the food choices.

"I've never been here before." Sara says casually as her eyes scan the menu in front of her.

"I've been here a few times with Nancy." I smile at her. "It's good."

The waiter comes back with our drinks; water for Sara and sweet tea for me, then we place our orders. Sara decides on vegetarian fajitas and after looking it over, I decide to go with the same. We're both quiet once the waiter leaves and I can tell Sara is nervous. She's currently ripping a napkin into a million pieces as she sips her water.

"Sara." I say as I still her hands with mine. "You don't have to be nervous. It's just me."

"That's what makes me so nervous, because it is you." She mumbles to the table, not looking at me.

"Sara, I don't bite. Unless you want me to." I smirk when she finally looks up at me, her brown eyes wide.

"I just don't understand, why me?" Sara asks with a small voice that breaks my heart. "You could have anyone you want, Catherine. I'm no one special."

"But you are, Sara. You are so very special. I've never met anyone else like you." I squeeze her hands. "I consider myself very lucky to get to spend time with you like this and if it's okay with you, I'd like to spend more time with you."

She gives me a shy smile as she looks at our joined hands on the table. I've gotten to know Sara well enough to know when her mind is at work, so I can see the wheels turning in her head as she takes in what I've said. Before she can say anything, our food arrives, and we separate our hands so we can eat.

"Oh my god, this is so good." I half moan after I take a bite of my fajita. I notice Sara has gone completely still and it takes me a minute to realize why.

"You okay, Sara?" I just grin as I take a sip of my sweet tea. Nice to know that I can affect her with just a tiny moan.

"Uh, yeah." She clears her throat and then starts eating. "This is good."

We continue eating, making small talk between bites. I finally coax Sara out of her shell, and she has me laughing, almost in tears as she tells me a story of her taking Greg to a gay bar a few months back and how much he got hit on. She's beautiful any time but she is absolutely gorgeous when she truly opens herself up. Once we've finished our meals, I pay the check and we head to the car, then heading back to Sara's apartment. She continues talking about her and Greg and all of their shenanigans outside of work. We finally arrive back at her place, and I put the SUV in park. I turn the car off and we sit in silence for a few moments. I have never wanted to kiss someone as badly as I want to kiss Sara Sidle right now.

"I had a great time, Cath. Thank you for dinner." Sara turns to face me, giving me her gap tooth smile.

"Thank you for going out with me." I say as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Sara closes her eyes at my touch and what little restraint I've been trying to hold onto vanishes. Before I realize it, I'm moving toward her, and I press my lips to hers. I run the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip and Sara hesitates at first but then she lets out a whimper and starts kissing me back. She opens her mouth, and our tongues meet for the first time. Now I've kissed a lot of people in my time, both men and women, but I swear the feel of Sara's tongue on mine is unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life. My right hand is buried in her soft hair, my left hand is on her cheek. As I deepen the kiss, she brings her hands up to my cheeks and cradles my face. It feels like we kiss forever before the need for air forces us apart. We break apart, both of us panting like we've just ran a marathon. I smile at her and she smiles back before she leans in and kisses me again. God, I could kiss her forever. She finally pulls back and gives me one last kiss before she opens the car door and climbs out.

"I'll see you later at work, Catherine." Sara gives me a huge smile before she turns and heads into her apartment building.

I swore once I got clean from coke that I would never get addicted to anything ever again, but Sara Sidle is proving to be my new addiction and I can't get enough of her.

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