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Natalie's POV. Six years later

I loved my life as a stay at home mom. My art was blowing up everywhere because of Eduardo's talent industry. I was painting the last bit of my art. I was working on a family portrait. I just finished Eduardo's face. I had to add more color to highlight his face. Of course that was the last thing I did.

I put down my paint and brushes. I heard I loud bang and I turned around in a hurry. "What happened" I said as I saw Odessa trying to sneak past the door. "Nothing" said Odessa as she put her arms behind her back. I didn't believe her for one second. She was definitely hiding something.

As she stood there I saw Oscar come up from behind her. I saw him put his arm around her as she held onto it. "How is the painting going" asked Oscar as he kept his arm there holding her in place. "It's going good" I said as I eyed them suspiciously. Odessa laughed lightly and got out of his grip.

She lifted up his arm and ducked from underneath him. I watched as she took off running. "Hey" called Oscar as he took off after her. I shook my head since they we're probably fighting over a toy or playing tag. Oscar is our baby boy. They we're the best of siblings we'll best they could be.

As they ran around the apartment Benjamin followed me out of the room. I felt bad since he wasn't as young as he used to be. He followed me around and I did become his best friend again. The kids have become too crazy for him. I honestly wouldn't blame him for that choice.

They we're trouble makers and they we're getting worse over time. I walked out of the workplace and I closed the doors behind me and Benjamin. We both walked towards the wash room. Benjamin sat beside me as I got on my knees. I opened the washer and dryer to put clothes in. I took them out of the wash and put them in the dryer.

I watched as the kids ran past us again. Benjamin looked like he was grumpy because they had so much energy. "Getting a grandpa look now are we" I said to Benjamin in a goofy tone. Benjamin gave me a blank stare and I couldn't help but laugh. I started to put more clothes in as I started the dryer.

Within those couple of seconds it was quiet. I tried to listen for them but I still couldn't hear them. There was no laughing and no horseplay. What's going on I kept thinking to myself. I just had a bad feeling about something but I couldn't tell what it was. I tried very hard to listen for them.

"Are you sure" asked Oscar as I finally heard them in the other room. "Yeah trust me" said Odessa. I got up so fast in a heartbeat. I darted to the room as quickly as possible. I never rushed to one place as fast as this in my life. I finally got to them within seconds just to find them.

I saw Oscar with a pan in his head. I looked to Odessa with a toy axe that we got them not too long ago. "Nope" I said as I grabbed it out of her hand. "Mom" said Odessa as she begged me not to take away the fake axe. Oscar took off the pan slowly. "What are you guys doing" I asked as I took the pan too.

"We are playing Vikings" said Oscar happily. "How did this game come to mind" I asked them. "We watched how to train your dragon" answered Odessa in a fake Viking voice. "Are dragons real" asked Oscar right after. "Sorry baby but they aren't" I said as I saw their eyes saddened.

"But if you play Vikings and need a dragon you can use Benjamin" I said as he finally walked towards us. "Really" asked Odessa. I looked to Benjamin and he looked grumpy again. "As long as he lets you" I said knowing they will put him in a costume.

"Okay" they both said as they took off towards Benjamin. I watched as he accepted his fate and stayed still. They never hurt him so he wasn't scared of them. Poor Benjamin is just growing old. His bones are not what they used to be.

Before the kids would chase him well he took off around the apartment. They loved watching him jump on top of the fridge and counter. I watched as they picked him up gently. I saw them walk towards his basket of costumes. I laughed and went to put this stuff away. I didn't want them to hurt themselves with the cooking pan.

As I put it away I heard the door open. Eduardo walked in with a smile on his face. "I'm home" said Eduardo in his elegant tone. "Daddy" yelled both of them excitedly. Eduardo put down his stuff and the Chinese food I made him pick up. Both of our kids ran up to him in a heartbeat.

"Hey guys" said Eduardo as he hugged them. "Let's have movie night" said Odessa. "Yeah" said Oscar overjoyed. "What movie" Eduardo asked them. "How to train your dragon two" said Oscar without hesitation. "Go put it on" said Eduardo before they ran off to the tv.

Eduardo came towards me and kissed me on the head. "How are you" he asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm good" I said as Eduardo kissed my forehead. "How about you" I asked him. "I'm good" said Eduardo as both of them ran to us.

"Can we paint Benjamin black" asked Oscar. "No" I said quickly. "Why paint him" asked Eduardo. "So he can look like toothless" said Odessa. "He has green eyes and now he needs black fur" said Oscar. "He doesn't, but it's time for dinner" I said as we all walked to the tv that eat dinner.

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