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✨✨✨CC Daffodil Miller Afton ✨✨✨

Past): He's a very timid kid but can be very energetic at certain times. CC will sometimes receive a bunch of attention from William which happened a lot when the others aren't around. Obviously CC was sort of a demonic kid like William, something weird that he did was that he once did a sort of demonic ritual with William once and things went okay- which is good because who knows what could've happened if things went wrong- Anyways- He tends to get hurt a lot he is terribly afraid of anything that is sharp (Ex:Knifes,needles etc.) Reason why? Michael once cut his arm with a really sharp knife leaving CC traumatized. That could explain the many bandages that he wears. He always avoided crowds of people (He's afraid of other human beings). He hated a few people, those being, Pigtail 9!<| (Such an asshole),Michael(another asshole),Charlie(For being annoying as hell and because $|-|3 always took the attention away from him). Not to mention CC died in the Spring time when he turned 7 Elizabeth saw it happen.He sometimes dressed like a 9!<| which kinda bothered William but he wouldn't say anything. On the other hand Michael would make fun of it which made CC insecure about what he should wear or not(Poor kiddo). The nightmares made him scared of death (One time CC got knocked out by Nt.Foxy and left a nasty bite mark on his leg).Whenever the others would go out he would stay home alone just to avoid contact with any human out there (Kinda sounds like 'me'). His only 'friends' were Fredbear and his other plushies. He had two sets of the plushies. To add his room was upstairs

There's more but 'I'm' to lazy to add it owo"

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