Not feeling so great today

20 4 1

The title explains it all but if you really want to know what happened, then 'I' will write it down. 'I' guess.

So baisiclly 'I' was sorta avoiding my friends because 'I' was in a mental state where 'I' techincally will ignore all of them without telling them at all because they will simply not understand 'my' feelings at all. So during lunch 'I' only talked to the person that comforts me when 'I'm' in that unstable state ('I'm' still going through the issue but it will go away soon). During lunch 'me' and |-|3< were walking on the field, ($|-|3 was also avoiding 'my' friends because of something that had happened earlier that day)  and all of a sudden -insert friend number one's name- came up to us and said that if we don't want to hang out with them that's our fucking problem and not theirs.'I' was honestly shocked from what he said .'I' was going to tell him why the fuck 'I' was ignoring them but the bitch just walked away angry at 'me' and my friend.

'I' really still can't believe he just reacted like if he were doing something right 

RANDOM SHIT HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora