Get to know a little 'bout me

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Real Name: Deez. . .

Age: . . .Nuts. . .

My height: 5"1 (short as fuck- My irl wife is taller than me-)

Likes: My online siblings,CC/Evan (He's very cute :D), my irl and online friends (Their the best), quiet places, probably the dark (If i wasn't afraid of the tall figure. . .),drawing,painting,paranormal shit UvU,GHOST BUSTERS-, mah I-Pad, my irl wife obviously, my CC/Evan Playlist-, I Can't Decide,I Love You So,Suji,Misery Meat and a bunch more songs-,LGBTQIA FOR LIFEEEEEEE.

Dislikes:One of my guy friends he's annoying as fuck, a few teachers at my school,Homophobic people, people who judge my damn drawings,and people triggering by using the wrong pronouns and for pulling my hair.

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