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His eyes twitched as he tried getting comfortable in the light that was coming in from his window blinds, he sat up on his bed rubbing his eyes and giving his back a quick stretch before heading to the shower.

"Son, sweety come downstairs, breakfeast is ready!" Zayn rolled his eyes at the name 'Son' he wasn't even their real son and they weren't his parents.

"Coming Mrs.Payne" Zayn looked at himself in the mirror he thought to himself "I'm so skinny and ugly" before putting his favorite blue shirt on

"Oh Zayn! Don't call me misses feel free to call me mom" Karen placed a plate with food infront of Zayn and he began eaiting.

"Zayn I gotta get going to work the bus stop isn't so far away from here just a few blocks down! Liam will help you find it aswell! I love you bye" Karen shut the door leaving Zayn alone with his step brother Liam.

"Hey Zayn" Liam walked past Zayn grabbing his backpack amd putting it over his shoulder.



"Right...Hello Liam" Zayn made his way to his backpack and tossed it over his shoulder aswell before walking behind Liam.

"Alright c'mon let's get going to school" Liam said walking outside with Zayn following behind. All the kids were bigger than Zayn but he didn't really care about that. He hoped not to stand out much and to stay away from trouble.


Liam had already sat down with some of his friends so he left Zayn alone, he made his way to the back of the bus things were going well but that didn't last long. Someone tripped Zayn causing everyone to burst out laughing he stood up quickly and sped walked to an empty seat.


"Alright Zayn here's your schedule call me if you need help." Liam walked to his locker once again leaving Zayn alone.

Zayn walked to his locker and opened it, grabbing the stuff that he needed for his first class witch was Math. As he closed his locker he saw a figure standing next to his locker he had Feathery hair and bright blue eyes that stood out next to him were 2 other boys one with blonde hair and blue eyes and the other ginger hair and he also had blue eyes

"Hey flat board" The feathered haired boy stepped closer to Zayn. He wasn't much shorter then Zayn they were around the same height.

"Oh Louis that's probably his biggest insecurity" The blondie laughed out and giving a high five to the ginger

"Uhm can I help you gu-"

"Yes you can by killing yourself! Nobody wants to see your ugly face LOSER!" Louis shouted out putting a hand on Zayns shoulder and pushing him against the lockers.

"Niall, Ed? Who wants to take care of him!?" Louis asked, his hands now on Zayns chest pushing him against the lockers. Zayn tried to move but that only made Louis push him harder against the lockers and made him whine in pain.

"Oh Louis...He's all yours!" Niall said giving him a pat on the shoulder along with a chuckle.

Louis raised his fist and Zayn closed his eyes as Louis threw a hard and bloody punch on his face making his nose bleed. Zayn tried kicking Louis but that didn't work AT ALL! Louis punched his stomach and face around 2 more times before dropping him to the floor, leaving him crying in pain.

"Bye Skinny!" Louis sing-songed as he walked away with Niall and Ed.


Zayn made his way to his first class even if he was late. Nobody questioned the blood on his face and his red eyes instead they just stared at him in disbelief. Besides this one boy with bright green eyes who looked worried and you could tell he was willing to help if he asked for it.

He sat down in a empty seat in the back of the class, pulling out his maths book and working on page ·37· witch was written on the board.

The maths problems were very easy for him and he managed to finish in under 5 minuets. He raised his hand waiting for the teacher to call on him

"Yes Mr.Payne?" Zayn slightly rolled his eyes at the Name 'Mr.Payne' since he wasn't even related to them.

"May I go to the Bathroom?" The teacher nodded and so he got out of his seat and went to the bathroom to wash his face. On the way out he saw Louis, Ed and Niall standing towards a locker probably beating someone up. He went to take a closer look only to find Liam grabbing Louis by the neck and kicking his stomach making him fall on his bum

"you're brother is a useless flat board just like you!" Niall shouted before grabbing Louis and walking away with Ed following behind. Zayn rushed back to his class only to find everyone partnering up

"We're doing math battles so find a partner honey" Mrs.Russell patted his back then went to sit down on her chair.

"H-Hey Raven...Wanna b-be p-partners?" The curly boy was standing infront of him and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

" n-name is Z-Zayn...and s-sure"  Zayn was stuttering!!? The boy was kinda cute....NONONO ZAYN STOP THIS NOW!

"Okay! We can sit.....over here! C'mon Zaynie" He smiled at the boy who was now walking to his desk that was next to his own.

"Okay" Zayn whispered and sat down next to him and pulled out a pen and notebook. He was working on the equations on the board when all of the sudden a big, milky hand grabbed the pen from his hand.


"You did it wrong silly" he smirked and began working on the 3rd equation that he had done wrong

"Their you go minion" The curly giggled as he looked at Zayns minion pen who he was now holding.

"Mother fu- Anyways what's your name curly?" He began working on equation 4 but still listening to what Harry was gonna say.

"Hmm...I don't know my name you'll have to figure it o-"

"Harry, Stop talking!" Mrs.Russell shouted at him amd gave him a glare

"Yeah Harry quit talking" Zayn whispered in Harry's ear making him grunt and sink into his chair.

Helpless - Zarry StalikWhere stories live. Discover now