12. The End of Time

Start from the beginning

"Timelords? What lords?" Addams questioned. "Anyone want to explain?"

"Right, yes, you!" The timelord chimed pointing his finger at her. "This is a salvage ship, yes? You were trawling the asteroid fields for junk."

"Yeah," she nodded. "What about it?"

"So you've got—

"Asteroid lasers!" I shrieked in excitement, jumping a little as I did. The Doctor flipped a switch on the wall, dancing about to face me.

"Yeah, but they're all frazzled," Rossiter argued.

"Consider them unfrazzled," the Doctor smirked at me, pushing up on a final lever fixing the laser functions. Two doors on each side of the room slid open, revealing the defense pods. "Addams! We're gonna need you on navigation! Maverick! Get in a laser pod!" He ordered. I squealed giddily as I scurried into the pod to get a feel for the interior. The Doctor approached Wilfred. "Wilfred!"


"Laser number two," he told the man. "The old soldier's got one more battle." Wilfred patted my friend's arm then made his way towards the second pod, but didn't enter.

"This ship can't move. It's dead!" Addams protested, glaring at the timelord.

"Fixed the heating," he sassed back, then shoved the starting beams down. The ship powered back up.

"But now they can see us!" Rossiter squeaked.

"Oh, yes!" He shouted. I chuckled madly. This was my kind of chaos.

"This is my ship," the Vinvocci woman fumed. "You are not moving it. Step away from the wheel!"

"There's an old Earth saying, Captain," he didn't move. "A phrase of great power and wisdom, and a consolation to the soul in times of need..."

"What's that then?" She sighed. The Doctor winked at me, and I beamed back at him, ready to cause trouble.

"Allons-y!" The madman hollered, then the craft took off like a shot, hurtling towards the Earth.

The ship rattled as it fought against the Earth's atmosphere. The ship's interior grew hotter as the around the shell fire broke out. A fiery meteor of metal charging down to the surface, holding us inside.

Wilfred and Rossiter clung to railings while the vessel jostled us around. "You are freaking, flipping mad!" Addams cried.

"Yes, he is," I answered, possibly with more lust in my voice than intended. The Doctor smirked at me.

"You two! lasers now!" He instructed Wilf and I. I grinned, practically hopping to the laser pod. Wilfred struggled to keep his balance as he hobbled towards the twin pod.

"What for?" Rossiter yelped.

"Because of the missiles!" I shouted back, before climbing down to the firing seat.

"We've got to fight off the entire planet!" The Doctor chuckled, keeping a expert hand on the steering wheel.

I heard a whistle as I buckled myself in and glanced over to see Wilf. "How does this thing work?" He asked.

"The tracking's automatic," I answered, surveying the controls simultaneously. "Just press the button on the joystick and it'll fire!"

The old man settled in and got himself used to the alien weapon. The barrel spun around a bit from the sensitivity as sounds of unfamiliarity escaped his mouth. I giggled a little at the sight of it.

I spotted three missiles rushing in our direction and I pressed the trigger thrice. Three laser beams shot out and collided with the missiles. The craft shook from the small explosions I sent off.

The Runaway Kids // a doctor who storyWhere stories live. Discover now