13. Vale Decem

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The room was quiet. Gallifrey had gone. My brother was gone. The Doctor and I trembled together in each other's arms. I lifted my head to gaze at him. Tears sat in his sad brown eyes, framed by his cut-spattered face. His gaze met mine.

"You're not dead," I sighed. Shakily, he cracked a smile at me, bobbing his head up and down in astonishment.

"I'm still alive." He held me tighter, consoling himself, rocking a little in his spot. "I'm still alive," he repeated. Small burst of laughter sputtered from his lips, before he pulled me away from him to stare into my violet eyes.

His hands caressed my face for a moment. Then without warning, he guided my face towards his and our lips met in pure bliss. He was kissing me. I allowed myself to melt into it. The world around disappeared for an instant before he pulled away. I felt my hearts flutter as I leaned forwards, not wanting it to end.

"Sorry," he muttered. The timelord peered at the ground behind me, seemingly ashamed at his sudden burst of affection.

"T-that's alright," I stammered, hiding the blush that rose to my cheeks.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Four small raps sounded from the glass radiation box. Damn.

The Doctor froze in place. I glanced up at him, eyes drained of hope as realization set in for the both of us.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

My old friend looked deep into my eyes. Was this his demise? An old man in a box? How horribly ironic, I thought.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

We turned our heads in unison to stare at the old man. Energy from the isolated chamber buzzed and crackled. Wilfred waved at us, oblivious. "They gone, then?" The Doctor nodded. "Yeah, good-o. If you could, uh, let me out."

"Yeah," he let out gruffly. I tugged lightly on his arms. He turned back to me, tears burned on my face and still more pooled in my eyes. I shook my head, pleading with him. Don't do this. But I knew he'd never listen.

"Only, this thing seems to be making a bit of a noise," the human described. The Doctor rose from his spot, leaving me on the floor, holding back a storm of grief from flooding my eyes.

"The Master left the nuclear bolt running," he explained. "It's gone into overload." I picked myself up off the ground and gripped at the fool's hand.

"And that's bad, is it?" Wilf wondered.

"No, 'cause all the excess radiation gets vented inside there." The human peered up at the box he was trapped in. "Vinvocci glass, contains it. All 500,000 rads about to flood that thing," the Doctor finished.

"Oh," he sighed, releasing a small chuckle after. "Well, you better let me out, then."

"It's gone critical," I piped in. "Touch one control and the whole thing floods. Even a sonic would set it off." I pulled the Doctor's arm back behind me, but he didn't move. I didn't expect him to, but it was worth a shot.

Wilf looked around himself. "I'm sorry," he breathed. The timelord turned away from us both. "Look, just leave me." I pushed myself back towards him.

"Doctor," I whispered. He looked at me then up at Wilf.

"Okay, right, then," he started almost coldly. "I will." I straightened myself in shock, I wasn't expecting him to say such a thing, but underneath it... I knew what he was going to do. "'Cause you had to go in there, didn't you? You had to go an get stuck! Oh, yes!" His voice broke as he spoke. I moved to place a hand on his, but he pulled away from me. "'Cause that's who you are, Wilfred. You were always this. Waiting for me, all this time." The timelord's head hung low as tears dripped from his face.

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