My Everything

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The stars glimmer as I follow the path, I find a note on the ground. "Open" I read off the letter. It's from Ian. I take out the letter and hold it out.
Hello my darling, your looking beautiful. Keep walking, I don't want to keep you waiting. I hope your not full. I cant wait to see your beautiful eyes when you find me.

As my lips raised themselves, I took a deep breath. Oh Ian always knows what to do. I lifted my chin with the letter in my hand. Took a step forward and started my adventure up the hill. Every candle lit. A gentle breeze, light guiding me.

As I reached the top of the hill, I saw across me was Ian in a tuxedo, all fancy. He took a step forward and said "Koala bear, your... Beautiful" I could feel my cheeks burning up. He reached his hand out, smiling. "Your very handsome" I said cheekily.

His lips and eyes perked up and made my heart beat fast. His so utterly perfect. Ever since we were just kids. His always been in my eyes. Perfect, as ever can be. Oh Ian. IYour green eyes just stare into my soul, and you got me around your finger. Your black wavy hair is irresistible. Can you just kiss me already?!

All the sudden my thoughts get interrupted as Ian takes me around my waist and pulls me into his arms. "Lyra, calling earth to Lyra. You got lost in fantasy baby?" I go silent... He knows me too well. I giggle and take his hands. "Ian. I love you" I blush when saying those words. His so perfect to be real. "Okay koala, lets go" Ian kissed my forehead and I nod in agreement.

He took a firm grip of my hands and we started walking down to the festival of New years. As we walked through the park pathway, he held me close. I couldn't stop smiling, maybe I was in a fantasy world.. Oh no! Is this real? Please don't be dreaming! Please don't be dreaming! "Baby girl, what is it?" Ian breaks my thoughts again. He knows me too well.. "Thinking of you" I say and let out a breath of satisfaction. Oh my gosh, it is real.

"Always good to hear, what about me were you thinking about baby?" Ian questioned me. "Not much" I smirked so he knew I was kidding. I could fell his eyes beading down and up my body. "You can't keep your eyes away can you, Ian?" I looked at him as he looked at me and we stopped walking for a moment. "I can't get over how perfect you are" Ian stared. "How perfect we are, silly" I replied smiling into his eyes.

Before I could see anymore his arms were wrapped around me and my face was in his chest. He is so warm and cuddly, after all we been through this deserves everything. He deserves everything. "I love you Ian" I whisper in his arms. I'm guessing he heard because he replied "I love you too, my koala bear."

I looked up into his arms and smiled as he kisses my forehead. He is so sweet and gentle. "So where to next big guy?" I asked and took his hand. He then wrapped his arm across my waist, "Shhh."

We then started walking together, as I walked beside him it felt so right. He was mine and I was his, I could never imagine my life without him. My everything, perfect. He always makes me laugh, he always makes me smile and he always knows how to make me happy. Without him... I wouldn't be able to.. Laugh.. Smile.. Live. We will be together.. Right?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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