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Jab.. cross.. lead hook.. good, stay focused. Rear hook.. lead uppercut.. and finish with rear uppercut.

I have been pushing myself for months on end and I'm still not given a chance. All thanks to that geezer.

"Y/N, my office now." my boss called from across the gym. "Speaking of the devil.." I drag myself off the floor and head across the gym to his office. I take a seat in front of his desk and sit in an awkward silence waiting for him to speak up. "Sir, if I may-" I get cut off by my boss. "Listen. As much as I hate to see you go," you can basically hear the sarcasm dripping from his mouth. "There is a client that is willing to take his chances and waste his money on you." You can't believe what just came out of his mouth. This is finally your chance to put your skills to work. "Here is your clients file. You start tomorrow.. Don't even think about messing this up and making a fool out of me." "Ah man, I hate to say this to you.. but I can't make a fool out of someone who already is one." You chuckle. After your smart remark, you grabbed the folder and left the office leaving your boss dumbfound.


As you are walking to the JYPE building for your meeting with your new client, you read over the file again until you realize..

"Oh great.. that asshole had to give me a group of hormonal pretty boys to look after."

This should be fun.

Before you reach the building, you are abruptly stopped by what appeared to be a boy around your age with a mask and hat on, which you assumed was worn in an attempt to hide his identity. He doesn't even stop to see if you are okay and keeps speed walking. You Scoff. I think not. You get up and grab him by his collar "Hey! Would you watch where you're going?! You can't just run into people and keep walking like nothing happened!" His eyes grow big caused by your sudden action. "Would you please be quiet? I can't let them find me." He says while looking around in an anxious state. "What? Who can't find you?" Right after you speak, a mob of people come from around the corner squealing while running towards you both. The boy quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you down an alleyway next to where you were standing. One of the girls from the mob approaches you rather quickly and pulls on your arm in attempts to get to the boy in front of you. Without thinking, you use your reflex and quickly jabbed her in the nose with your elbow causing her nose to bleed and fall backwards, drawing the attention of the mob towards you. "Run." Is all you say before grabbing the boys wrist and pulling him down the street until the mob in out of sight. While catching your breath, you lean against the wall of the alleyway you just entered. "How *breath* What *breath* Who are you?" The boy asks out of breath. "I should be asking you that mr. paparazzi. You should think twice before pulling a random stranger into your little game of tag." You say while getting up off the ground and dusting off your jacket about to walk away. "Wait. What's your name?" The boy asks. "And why should I tell you that?" You say with a slight smirk growing on your face. "..So I can thank you." Your smirk drops and you turn around ready to walk away. You stop right before turning around the corner. "It's Y/N." You say before walking away leaving the boy alone in the alleyway.

You pull out your phone and realize you are almost late for your meeting with your client. Shit..

Once you arrive, you run through the doors of the building and are immediately taken back to the meeting room.

"Welcome Ms. Y/N. Please have a seat while we wait for your clients to arrive." An older man states while you take a seat. A few moments later, the door opens and 8 boys around your age enter. No wonder they're idols.. I mean look at them, damn. "Excuse me miss?" You snap out of your trance. "Oh, my apologies." "Boys, please introduce yourself." They all go down the line until one in particular catches your eye. "Binnie..?" The boy steps forward to get a better look at you. "Y/N?" He asks with a shocked expression. You don't hesitate to run forward and wrap your arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up. You both stay like that until you hear a cough. "Ahem.." He puts you down and you both turn around to look at the owner of the voice. "Care to explain Changbin? You two know each other?" Their boss asks. "Oh yeah, sorry. We've know each other since birth but lost touch over the years due to Y/N moving to France. Which brings me to the point, how come you're here in Korea?" Changbin turns to look at you. "I finally got into a good protection training program when I finished school so I was able to move back. Surprise!" Right before Changbin could continue, he is cut off by another voice. "It's you! Mob girl." A boy states. "Excuse me?" You ask confused. He then pulls out a hat and mask then turns to you. Your mouth drops to the floor in shock that the very boy that caused you trouble earlier was now standing in front of you. He walks up to you, a little too close for comfort, and whispers in your ear so only you can hear. "Might wanna close your mouth babygirl.. it's not very polite to drool." You are taken by surprise by his sudden action. "The name's Bang Chan." He says as he backs away from you and sends you a wink while walking back to the other boys lined up against the wall. "Well, it appears that some of you may already know each other. My work here is done, so you all may head back to the dorm and settle in." Their boss says while exiting the room. "Come on Y/N, we have a lot of catching up to do." Changbin states while signaling you to walk with him to the dorm.


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