Eternal happiness

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I smile. My face contorts. 10 muscles are used in smiling. It burns some calories, at least. It's the most exercise I get. I'm thankful that I can smile... I have good friends, I'm in that state in school where my studies aren't so high- but my parents don't bother me anyway. I'm old enough to go out with my friends. I can be myself.

Myself is an interesting topic. Another joke is put down and laughed at. We run towards a pair of swings in front of us, chuckling gleefully. I am the first there, and I grab a swing and sit on it before my companions arrive. We all laugh as the swing beside me gets filled up by my friend, as all the others surround us. They sit on surrounding playground toys, and we talk, smile, laugh, and chuckle.

The sun shines, not too hot but not too cold. It's not humid. The kind of temperature that you find you love to be in the sun for. The type you would wish was all the time.

I'm at home, sitting on my phone. I'm laughing at the texts we share, the silences in between. It's a good world.

When you get those friends, that look at you. That smile at you. The ones that laugh when you make jokes- funny or just horrible. The ones that listen to you- not just hear you. There is a difference, of course, a large one. One of us makes a joke, and we all laugh. We play pranks, throw things at each other, and when one of us falls- we all laugh.

Laughter, it's a thing of the heavens. It sounds pulchritudinous, especially when it comes from those you love. And when those you love hear- no, listen- to your laughter, if they love you back, it will sound as elegant, if not more.

There are those who may have not felt such beauty. To those, I wish you good luck. Good luck, my friends, for no such beauty, shall arise.

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