Chapter I

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Thanks for coming to read this story. Hopefully, you will like it.

----Sasha's POV----

Like any other morning, I woke up to a cold shower because everyone else in the house had already used the hot water. I'm accustomed to this situation; no one seems to care about my needs or wants. It's been this way for years. I struggle with suicidal thoughts, and my only companions are my worn-out teddy bear and my diary. They were my closest confidantes.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. Everyone was happily chatting and didn't notice me. I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the living room table, as it's what I usually eat for breakfast. I don't feel like eating anything else. I looked out the window and saw it was raining. I tried to get one of my siblings' attention, but it was pointless since I can't speak anymore. I haven't used my voice for years, so only useless whispers come out. Soon, I saw them all go to the car and drive away. They didn't even ask if I wanted a ride to school. I looked at my parents, but they just left too without asking me anything. I sighed and walked out, catching a glimpse of them driving away in their cars. I sighed again and started walking to school in the rain. By the time I arrived at school, I was exhausted and let out another sigh.

As people stared and laughed, some even uttering hurtful words, I ignored them and headed to my locker. I had packed extra clothes for situations like this, as I was unfortunately accustomed to such treatment. I went to the locker room and changed, then started to walk up the stairs. Suddenly, a girl pushed me down several steps, claiming that I was in her way and she hadn't seen me. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and hobbled to the nursing office. The nurse there recognized me and understood what had happened without me needing to explain. She helped me lie down on the bed and placed ice on my injured left ankle. I lay there silently, as she knew I wouldn't answer any questions.

When I felt that my leg no longer hurt, I stood up and started walking to my class. As I turned the corner on my way there, I accidentally bumped into someone. I quickly gathered my belongings and walked away, unwilling to apologize. I never apologized, so why should I start now? I remained silent and composed as I entered my classroom. I handed the note from the nurse's office to the teacher with an innocent smile. I took my seat and noticed people staring at me, but I chose to ignore them. The teacher continued teaching, and soon enough, my classmates stopped staring as the person I had bumped into entered the classroom. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on my textbook, not bothering to listen to the ongoing discussion.

Suddenly, I noticed someone sitting next to me. I glanced over and recognized him as the new student. I remained silent and scanned the classroom, realizing that this was the only available seat, which explained why no one else wanted to sit there. The new student seemed eager to make conversation and immediately introduced himself. He asked my name and inquired why I hadn't apologized earlier. I simply smiled in response.

I took out my notebook and pen and began to write.

"I don't speak much for my own reasons. I'm sorry about earlier. I was already running late for class and didn't want to be even later."

When I noticed him staring at what I had written, I couldn't help but wonder why. I hadn't mentioned my name, and I didn't want anyone to know it because no one ever uses it. I've just remembered it since I started writing it in my diaries when I was four years old. She kept trying to talk to me, but I lost interest and started drawing something in my notebook until the bell rang. I gathered my things, packed them away, and walked out of the classroom to the next one.

It was lunchtime, and as usual, everyone's eyes were on me as I walked into the canteen. I rolled my eyes and took my place in the line. Before long, people began to cut in front of me. I took a deep breath and let them do it. This was nothing new; even my own siblings did it. Glaring at them did nothing to deter them. A new student observed this and was amazed. I took out a notebook and a pen.

'This is a normal, everyday occurrence for me. I'm accustomed to being treated as if I don't exist, and you should be too. Please disregard me and continue with your life'

Everyone saw it, but I didn't care. I decided to skip lunch today because I wouldn't have had time to eat anyway. So I went to the library and spent my lunchtime doing homework. After that, I walked to my next class. A few classes later, school ended, and I had to walk home again. I didn't have any friends at school, and no one ever bothered to talk to me. Today was the first time I had communicated with someone in weeks. I sighed and began to walk home. After a while, it started to rain again.

Once I got home, I felt exhausted and drained again. I sighed and trudged to my room. As I passed the living room, I noticed the new guy there with my siblings. We locked eyes for a few seconds, but I quickly looked away and continued to my room in the attic. Yes, that was where I lived, away from everyone else. My room was quite spacious, but it was also quite empty. There were boxes stacked in one corner, filled with Christmas decorations and other miscellaneous items. I had a bed, a wardrobe, and other essential furniture, but it still didn't feel like home, no matter how hard I tried. I had thought about putting up some posters or decorations to make it more cozy, but I hadn't figured out how to do it yet. I decided to focus on my homework and write in my diary to take my mind off things.

'Dear diary,

Once again, I left all alone today.

As usual, my parents ignore me.

My siblings do the same thing.

Since my siblings were unable to give me a ride, I had to walk to school in the rain.

At school, people made fun of me as always, saying hurtful things.

During my time there, a girl even pushed me down the stairs.

Afterward, I had to visit the nurse, which made me late for class.

As I bumped into this attractive man, I quickly gathered my belongings and walked away.

No one ever listens to me when I speak. I feel as though using my voice is pointless since no one pays attention. However, I am not mute.

After that, everything returned to normal.

Now, I am here writing things.

I'm off to sleep now. My homework is done.'

I closed my diary, locked it, and placed it on my bookshelf. I covered it with a random book cover to mask it. Soon after, I changed into my pajamas. I slowly made my way downstairs to see if there were any leftovers from dinner. I hadn't eaten with my family, and I was starving. I needed some food; I had only eaten one apple today, which was not enough to sustain anyone. As I walked into the kitchen, I bumped into a wall or at least that's what I thought.


Let's end the first chapter here. More to come soon. 

Hopefully, people will enjoy it and read it.


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