"Ok," Nicole said, handing Maya Nora's bag, "Oh, how is Carina? Is she in surgery?"

"She is," Maya nodded, "She is doing well so far from what I have heard."

"Good," Nicole smiled, "Well, I hope her surgery goes well and that Nora here starts feeling better soon."

"Thanks," Maya said, "Maybe I'll go see if I can get someone to steal some popsicles for her."

Nicole laughed, nodding as Maya grabbed their stroller, tossing Nora's bags into it before back to her wife's office.

"Mamma?" Nora said as they walked to the office.

"Mamma isn't here right now," Maya said, "But Tia Andy is."

"No, Mommy," Nora said, burying her head in Maya's neck.

"I'm right here," Maya said, pushing the stroller into the office.

"Hi Nora," Andy said, smiling at her as Maya sat back down on the couch.

"Mommy," Nora fussed, starting to cry a little.

"She is very emotional right now," Maya said, "And probably exhausted."

"Ok," Andy said, "No talking to Nora, got it. Do you have someone taking the twins tonight?"

"No," Maya grumbled, "Carina wants me to go home with the twins while she is here which will probably be tonight and tomorrow night, maybe the night after too."

"Oh," Andy said, "I just assumed you would stay here."

"I wanted to," Maya said, rubbing Nora's back as she fussed a little, "But Carina wants to keep things as normal as possible for the twins at home, and honestly with Nora teething, it's probably best that I am the one with them. We talked about maybe having them go stay with someone the first few days Carina is home because she is probably going to be in pain and needing a lot of help, but we haven't made any definitive decisions."

"Well, if you need help finding people to watch them, just ask, ok?" Andy said, "Amelia and I have everyone's availabilities all week who can/are willing to watch them."

"You are the best," Maya said, smiling at her friend, "Thank you."

"Of course," Andy said, "And if you need meals, those can start tonight."

"We have leftover lasagna Andrew made for us last night," Maya said, "But thank you."

"We just want to make sure you guys are taken care of," Andy said, shrugging, "We are your village."

"Thank you," Maya said, smiling at her a little before she yawned.

"Wait, so if this little munkin was up at midnight..." Andy said, looking at her friend.

"Yes, Carina and I were also up," Maya nodded, "I hadn't fallen asleep yet when she woke up, and I don't know that Carina had either. And neither of us went to sleep after she was in our bed."

"Oh Maya, are you sure you don't want me to try to take her so you can nap?" Andy said, looking at her best friend.

"I don't think I would nap now even if I was alone," Maya said, biting her lip, "I...I just...I need to know she's ok."

Tears started falling down Maya's cheeks against her will, Andy moving closer to her, putting her hand on Maya's back.

"She's gonna be ok," Andy said gently, "She has the best doctors and the best care. She is going to be ok." Maya just held Nora close, suddenly very glad she had one of her babies in her arms at the moment.

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